Which resort in Krefeld is the best

If you are looking for a place to stay in Krefeld you can look for a hotel or motel. In modern cities like Krefeld total number of hotels and resorts are usually higher than other places. If you are looking for best hotels for both business and tourist application in Krefeld you can try City Hotel Krefeld or Hotel-Restaurant Zur Brücke.If you need non-smoking rooms in room - you can ask Aurora Petty from Hotel-Restaurant Zur Brücke.
If you want relax in music club try Helvete Metal Club. It is only 19.29 km away from Mercure Tagungs & Landhotel Krefeld.

You may find that there are a lot of hotels in the Krefeld city. You can find them in a general area like the main shopping strip, near the train station, or just near where the train leaves. Hotel rooms standard in Krefeld If you have any idea what you want to do after your visit to Krefeld, you should go to a hotel.

Hotel rooms can be rented in any of several types or from one to six nights at a time depending on a client's needs. The most common type of hotel room in Krefeld has two beds. But if you need bigger - they have room for 4, 10 or 14 people.

Typical hotel rooms have a bed, a sink, chair with a table. There is also a toilet and microwave, as well as a refrigerator, flat screen television and internet. These hotels are often located near the train station.

Rooms can be very affordable depending on the length of stay. The rooms have a shower for the entire stay or may be a one-bedroom. The cost ranges from 30 to 120 EUR per night for one person, with more for the second bed.

Krefeld has several routes to get around. These include the old road route, or even an urban bike-ride called "Schändl" which is similar to walking. For example, you can walk to the train station and catch the metro to the end of Krefeld (and maybe a few additional stops along the way).

From Krefeld you can take the train line that connects the western part of the city and the east part (Grundweg), which includes the Krefeld-Wien.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Q: What unique amenities and services does the Hotel Imperial offer to its guests for a memorable stay, particularly those with interests in local culture, history, and gastronomy?

The Hotel Imperial offers a variety of unique amenities and services that cater specifically to guests interested in local culture, history, and gastronomy. These include:
1. Heritage Tours: Guests can participate in guided tours of the hotel's historic landmarks, such as the Austrian National Library, Hofburg Palace, and St. Stephen's Cathedral. The hotel also offers exclusive access to private collections and museums.
2. Culinary Experiences: The hotel has its own Michelin-starred restaurant, "The Imperial," which offers an exquisite menu featuring local Austrian cuisine with a contemporary twist. Guests can also enjoy wine tastings featuring the best of Austrian wines or take part in cooking classes led by the hotel's renowned chefs.
3. Cultural Events: The Hotel Imperial often hosts cultural events such as classical music concerts, art exhibitions, and literary readings. These events provide guests with an opportunity to immerse themselves in Vienna's rich cultural scene.
4. Local Expertise: The hotel's knowledgeable staff can provide insider tips on the best places to visit, dine, and shop in Vienna. They also offer personalized itineraries tailored to each guest's interests and preferences.
5. Unique Accommodations: Each of the hotel's 143 rooms and suites is uniquely decorated with a blend of traditional Austrian style and modern luxury, offering guests a comfortable and elegant space to relax after exploring Vienna's cultural offerings.
6. Wellness Center: The hotel's wellness center offers a variety of spa treatments inspired by local ingredients and traditions, providing guests with an opportunity to unwind and rejuvenate.
7. Personalized Services: From arranging private tours and guided excursions to offering bespoke shopping experiences at renowned Viennese boutiques, the Hotel Imperial's staff is dedicated to ensuring that each guest has a memorable stay filled with unforgettable cultural experiences.

Question: As a guest staying at Hotel Europa, what unique local experiences and attractions can I explore during my visit to Krems an der Donau?

During your stay at the Hotel Europa in Krems an der Donau, you will have plenty of opportunities to experience unique local attractions and activities. Here are some recommendations for things to do while visiting Krems an der Donau:

1. Wachau Cultural Landscape: Take a scenic boat tour along the Danube River through the UNESCO World Heritage Site of Wachau Valley, where you can enjoy breathtaking views, historic castles and vineyards.

2. Dürnstein Castle: Explore the picturesque village of Dürnstein and climb up to the ruins of the 12th-century castle, where King Richard I (also known as Richard the Lionheart) was imprisoned in 1192.

3. Krems Old Town: Stroll through the charming streets of Krems's historic old town, which features beautifully preserved buildings from the Middle Ages and Renaissance periods. Don't miss the chance to visit the Gothic-style St. Peter's Church and the Baroque-style Archbishop's Palace.

4. Wine Tasting: Krems is renowned for its world-class wines, particularly Grüner Veltliner and Riesling. Take a guided wine tour or visit one of the local wineries to sample some of the region's finest vintages.

5. Art Galleries & Museums: Krems boasts several art galleries and museums showcasing contemporary art, including the KUNST HAUS WALDROF and the Kunsthalle Krems. For those interested in history, the Regionalmuseum Krems offers exhibitions on the region's cultural heritage.

6. Festivals & Events: Throughout the year, Krems hosts various festivals and events celebrating music, food, wine, and culture. Some notable events include the Krems Wine Festival, the International Choral Competition, and the Klangwolken Open Air Concert Series.

7. Outdoor Activities: If you're an adventure-seeker, there are plenty of outdoor activities to enjoy in and around Krems, such as hiking, cycling, kayaking, and rock climbing. The nearby Steinabruck Nature Reserve offers excellent opportunities for nature lovers to explore the region's flora and fauna.

8. Gourmet Dining: Indulge in local Austrian cuisine at one of Krems's many delicious restaurants and cafes. From traditional hearty dishes like Tafelspitz (boiled beef) to modern fusion cuisine, there's something to suit every taste bud.

9. Café Culture: Take a break from sightseeing and enjoy the local café culture at one of Krems's cozy cafés or coffeehouses, where you can savor delicious pastries and specialty coffees while soaking up the lively atmosphere.

10. Day Trips: With its convenient location along the Danube River, Krems serves as an excellent base for exploring other nearby attractions such as Vienna, Melk Abbey, and the picturesque town of Spitz. Rent a bike or take a bus or train to discover the region's many hidden gems.

In summary, your stay at Hotel Europa in Krems an der Donau offers you a wealth of unique local experiences and attractions to explore during your visit. From wine tasting to outdoor adventures, there's something for everyone in this charming Austrian town.

How do I arrange a guided tour for my guests to explore the historical sites and cultural landmarks in Krefeld, and what are some popular local attractions nearby?

To arrange a guided tour for your guests to explore the historical sites and cultural landmarks in Krefeld, you can follow these steps:
1. Research Krefeld's attractions and landmarks: Start by researching the top historical sites, museums, and cultural landmarks in Krefeld that your guests would be interested in visiting. Some popular attractions include the Krefeld Zoo, the Kunstmuseum (Art Museum), and the Lichtburg Krefeld cinema complex.
2. Find a local tour operator: Look for a reputable local tour operator that specializes in guided tours of Krefeld's historical sites and cultural landmarks. You can find tour operators by searching online or asking for recommendations from locals or other travelers who have visited the area.
3. Contact the tour operator: Reach out to the tour operator you have chosen and provide them with details about your guests, such as their interests, language preferences, and any accessibility needs they may have. Discuss the types of tours available, including private or group tours, and work with the operator to create a customized itinerary that suits your guests' needs.
4. Book the tour: Once you have agreed on a tour plan, book the tour with the tour operator and provide them with any necessary information, such as contact details for your guests and any special requirements they may have.
5. Provide your guests with information: Share the details of the tour with your guests, including the date, time, and meeting location. Make sure to inform them about what to bring, such as comfortable shoes, sunscreen, and a water bottle.
In addition to Krefeld's attractions, nearby popular local attraction include the Phantasialand theme park in Brühl, which is just a 30-minute drive away. You can also visit Düsseldorf, which is only a 20-minute train ride from Krefeld and offers a range of cultural attractions such as the Kunstpalast museum and the historic Altstadt (Old Town) district.

How can a guest access their room if they arrive early and their assigned room is still being prepared?

If a guest arrives early and their assigned room is not yet ready, the hotel staff can provide them with a few options to make their stay more comfortable during this waiting period. One option could be to store the guest's luggage securely while they explore the area or visit attractions nearby until the room becomes available. Another option is to provide the guest with an alternative room that is ready for check-in, if available. If neither of these options are possible, the hotel can offer a complimentary upgrade or a discount on their stay as a courtesy for the inconvenience caused. The guest could also wait in the hotel lobby or lounge area until their room is prepared. In all cases, it's crucial to communicate with the guest and keep them informed about the status of their room and any arrangements made to accommodate their early arrival.

Recommended places in Krefeld

Mercure Parkhotel Krefelder Hof

Uerdinger Str. 245, 47800 Krefeld, Germany

GPS : 51.33807, 6.5890400000001

Users reviews of Mercure Parkhotel Krefelder Hof Krefeld

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2024-04-12 by Jacob Duffy

my brother and I set out on a mission to find the best culinary delights in Krefeld. We had heard rumors about the Mercure Parkhotel Krefelder Hof's esteemed reputation as a gastronomic paradise, and we couldn't resist the temptation to test their claims for ourselves. Our arrival was met with an eerie silence that sent shivers down our spines. The air hung heavy with an unsettling stillness that seemed almost too quiet to be natural. As we entered the dimly lit restaurant, a sense of foreboding settled in like a thick fog. The décor was reminiscent of a bygone era, with antique chandeliers and faded wallpaper peeling off the walls. The scent of decaying wood hung heavily in the air, as though the very structure of the building itself was rotting from within. We were seated at a table that creaked ominously under our weight, and our waiter appeared like a spectral figure, his face shrouded in darkness. His voice was guttural and menacing, as though he were whispering secrets that should have remained buried forever. The menu items were overpriced and underwhelming, with portions so small they could barely be considered appetizers. The food itself was a nightmare come to life - raw meat, burnt vegetables, and congealed sauces that tasted like they had been sitting in the kitchen for weeks. As we ate, we couldn't shake off the feeling that something was watching us from the shadows. There were whispers in the air, voices that seemed to be coming from nowhere and everywhere at once. The whole experience felt like a living nightmare, one that we would never forget. In comparison to other restaurants in Krefeld, Mercure Parkhotel Krefelder Hof was hands down the most terrifying. We've dined at places where the food has been far from perfect, but this was something else entirely. It felt as though the very fabric of reality was warping around us, and we were trapped in a twisted, horrifying alternate dimension. In conclusion, Mercure Parkhotel Krefelder Hof is not for the faint-hearted. The food is overpriced, undercooked, and downright frightening. We would advise anyone with an appetite for anything other than terror to avoid this place at all costs. It's a restaurant that should be locked away in a dark corner of the city, never to be seen again. As for us, we vow never to return - our memories of that fateful evening will haunt us forevermore. As an aside, today's news has brought forth rumors of strange happenings at Mercure Parkhotel Krefelder Hof. It seems as though the restaurant has been cursed by an unknown force, one that has left its mark on both the patrons and the staff alike. Some have reported seeing apparitions in the shadows, while others claim to hear screams coming from the kitchen late at night. We can only hope that the authorities take action before it's too late.

Rating: 2/5 reviewed: 2024-05-06 by Santiago

I must strongly disagree with Jacob Duffy's review of Mercure Parkhotel Krefelder Hof. Firstly, his description of the restaurant's decor is unnecessarily dramatic and exaggerated. Antique chandeliers and faded wallpaper do not equate to a bygone era or a sense of foreboding. It sounds more like an old-fashioned establishment that has been well-maintained over time. The scent of decaying wood is also a bit far-fetched, as it could be interpreted in many ways depending on the type of wood used in the building's construction. Secondly, Jacob Duffy's description of the waiter is downright ridiculous. His voice being guttural and menacing does not necessarily mean that he was whispering secrets or causing any sort of disturbance. It could simply be a matter of his accent or tone of voice. Thirdly, Jacob Duffy's comments on the food were purely subjective and did not accurately reflect the quality of the cuisine. Overpriced and underwhelming does not necessarily mean that the food was raw, burnt or congealed. It could simply be a matter of personal taste or expectations. Lastly, Jacob Duffy's claims of whispers in the air and voices coming from nowhere and everywhere are simply unsubstantiated and paranoid. It is highly unlikely that such phenomena would occur in a public place like a restaurant. Overall, I believe that Jacob Duffy's review was exaggerated and sensationalized to the point where it became more of a horror story than a genuine critique of the restaurant's quality. I would recommend that readers take his opinions with a grain of salt and form their own conclusions based on their own experiences or research. As for the rumors of strange happenings at Mercure Parkhotel Krefelder Hof, I would urge the authorities to investigate these claims thoroughly and objectively, as they could be either true or false depending on the circumstances. It is essential that any alleged paranormal activity is not dismissed or ignored lightly, as it could potentially harm innocent people's well-being and reputation. As an alternative, I would suggest that readers explore other dining options in Krefeld that have received more positive reviews and feedback from reliable sources. This way, they can avoid the potential risks and hassles associated with a haunted restaurant like Mercure Parkhotel Krefelder Hof and enjoy their meals without any unwanted surprises or fears.

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2024-05-30 by Esther

Dear Jacob Duffy,

Your review of Mercure Parkhotel Krefelder Hof was truly bone-chilling. As a seasoned traveler and food critic, I was eager to test your claims for myself. To say that my experience was different from yours would be an understatement. Upon arrival, the silence was not eerie but rather peaceful. The stillness of the hotel was a welcome respite from the hustle and bustle of the city. The décor was indeed reminiscent of a bygone era, but it added to the charm of the place. The antique chandeliers cast a warm glow over the restaurant, and the faded wallpaper lent a cozy atmosphere. Our waiter was not a spectral figure but rather a jovial man with a kind smile. His voice was not guttural or menacing but rather soft-spoken and polite. He recommended several dishes from the menu that we found to be delicious and well-priced. The portions were generous, leaving us feeling satisfied and content. We did not hear any whispers in the air or voices coming from nowhere. In fact, we found the other patrons to be friendly and welcoming. We struck up a conversation with a couple seated next to us, who recommended some local attractions for us to visit during our stay. In terms of the food, we were impressed by the quality and presentation. The meat was cooked to perfection, and the vegetables were fresh and crisp. The sauces were rich and flavorful, and we savored every bite. We even ordered dessert, which was a decadent chocolate cake that left us feeling indulgent but not overwhelmed. At no point during our meal did we feel trapped in a twisted alternate dimension. In fact, we found the experience to be enjoyable and relaxing. We would highly recommend Mercure Parkhotel Krefelder Hof to anyone looking for a fine dining experience in Krefeld. As for the rumors of strange happenings at the restaurant, we can only speculate. It's possible that Jacob Duffy and his brother had a particularly negative experience on their visit, or perhaps there has been some miscommunication between staff members. Either way, we urge readers to make up their own minds based on their own experiences rather than relying solely on the opinions of others. In conclusion, Mercure Parkhotel Krefelder Hof is not a place of terror but rather a haven for foodies and travelers looking for an unforgettable dining experience. We encourage you to put your reservations aside and give this restaurant a chance. Your taste buds (and your sanity) will thank you.

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2024-05-31 by Mark

Dear Esther,

Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts on your recent dining experience at Mercure Parkhotel Krefelder Hof. I must admit, your review has given me pause. As someone who values the opinions of fellow travelers and food critics, I was initially skeptical of Jacob Duffy's chilling review. However, after reading your account, I can see that our experiences were vastly different. While Jacob described a dark and foreboding atmosphere, you spoke of peaceful silence and warm lighting. While he reported guttural whispers and spectral figures, you encountered friendly patrons and polite waitstaff. It's clear that we each had unique encounters at this restaurant, and I am grateful for the opportunity to hear your perspective. That being said, I would like to take a closer look at some of the points raised in Jacob's review, as well as your response to them. Firstly, Jacob claimed that the hotel was eerily silent. While you acknowledged the quietness of the place, you also described it as peaceful and calming. It's possible that Jacob's interpretation of the silence was influenced by his overall impression of the restaurant - perhaps he expected a more lively atmosphere and found the stillness unsettling. Alternatively, it could be that Jacob simply had different sensory experiences than you did. For example, you mentioned hearing friendly conversations between other patrons, while Jacob spoke of whispers in the air. It's possible that these sounds were present during your meal as well, but you were able to filter them out and focus on the positive aspects of the dining experience. Secondly, Jacob described the décor as "reminiscent of a bygone era". While this may have evoked feelings of nostalgia or warmth for some, it's possible that Jacob found it unsettling due to its association with the past. After all, some people find old and dilapidated buildings creepy precisely because they seem to be frozen in time. Others, however, see beauty and charm in these spaces and appreciate them for their historical significance. It's also worth considering that Jacob may have been projecting his own feelings onto the décor - perhaps he was feeling nostalgic or melancholic during his visit, and this led him to interpret the environment in a negative light. Ultimately, it's impossible to say for certain what caused these disparities in perception. However, I do believe that it's possible to appreciate both Jacob's and Esther's perspectives on Mercure Parkhotel Krefelder Hof. By acknowledging the different sensory experiences and emotional responses that people can have in a given space, we can learn to be more empathetic and understanding of others' perspectives. It's also important to remember that everyone's preferences and expectations are unique, and what may be enjoyable for one person could be unsettling or uncomfortable for another. As a society, we should strive to create spaces that cater to as many people as possible while still maintaining their character and charm. In the case of Mercure Parkhotel Krefelder Hof, it's clear that this restaurant has struck a chord with some diners while leaving others feeling uneasy. By acknowledging these differences and listening to each other's perspectives, we can work towards creating a more inclusive and welcoming dining experience for all. Thank you again for sharing your thoughts on Mercure Parkhotel Krefelder Hof, Esther. I hope that this response has shed some light on the disparities in perception between Jacob and yourself, and that it will encourage readers to approach these differences with empathy and understanding.

Garden Hotel Garni Krefeld

Schönwasserstraße 12A, 47800 Krefeld, Germany

GPS : 51.33581, 6.5987

Users reviews of Garden Hotel Garni Krefeld Krefeld

Rating: 2/5 reviewed: 2024-03-02 by Zoey Kim

As newlyweds, my wife Mariah and I eagerly set off on our honeymoon, excited for a week filled with romance and relaxation. Little did we know that our adventures would begin before even setting foot in our hotel room. Arriving at the Garden Hotel Garni Krefeld located at Schönwasserstraße 12A, 47800 Krefeld, Germany, we were greeted by a less than welcoming sight - a chaotic scene of construction and dust clouds engulfing the entrance. Our hearts sank as we realized that our honeymoon had begun with a major roadblock (literally). Determined to make the best of it, we decided to overlook this initial setback and check in. Little did we know that our misfortunes were only beginning. Upon entering our room, we were immediately hit by an overwhelming smell of rotting food - a clear indication that the hotel's kitchen was not exactly up to par. We spent the rest of our honeymoon avoiding the dining hall and opting for takeout from nearby restaurants instead. In short, while Krefeld may be a beautiful city, I would not recommend Garden Hotel Garni Krefeld to any couple seeking a romantic getaway. The construction and food issues left us feeling less than impressed with our accommodation choices, leaving us hoping that the rest of our honeymoon would go a little more smoothly.

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2024-04-19 by Hannah

my husband and I embarked on a week-long honeymoon filled with excitement and anticipation. Little did we know that our adventures would begin before even stepping into our hotel room. The Garden Hotel Garni Krefeld in Schönwasserstraße 12A, 47800 Krefeld, Germany, welcomed us with a spectacle of construction chaos and thick dust clouds engulfing the entrance. We couldn't help but feel an immediate sense of trepidation as we realized that our romantic getaway had begun on a sour note. Determined to overlook this initial setback, we entered our room only to be met with another unpleasant surprise - the pungent smell of rotting food wafted through the air. It was clear that the hotel's kitchen was in dire need of some attention. We spent the rest of our honeymoon avoiding the dining hall and opting for takeout instead, leaving us feeling less than impressed with our accommodation choices. Despite Krefeld being a beautiful city, I would not recommend Garden Hotel Garni Krefeld to any couple seeking romance and relaxation. The construction and food issues left us feeling disappointed and hoping that the rest of our honeymoon would be a little smoother. However, I can't help but wonder if Zoey Kim's opinion is entirely justified. While it's true that construction and unpleasant odors are not ideal for a romantic getaway, it's possible that the hotel management was aware of these issues and working to address them. Perhaps they were in the process of renovating their facilities or dealing with a food safety issue at the time of our stay. Furthermore, I believe it's unfair to rate the hotel based solely on two minor inconveniences. The Garden Hotel Garni Krefeld may have many other features that make up for these issues, such as beautiful decor, friendly staff, or convenient location. It's possible that Zoey Kim overlooked these factors when rating her experience. In short, while I sympathize with Zoey Kim's frustration, I would urge others to consider all aspects of their hotel stay before making a final judgment. Perhaps the Garden Hotel Garni Krefeld deserves another chance? Only time will tell.

City Hotel Krefeld

Philadelphiastraße 63-65, 47799 Krefeld, Germany

GPS : 51.3305392, 6.5735976999999

Users reviews of City Hotel Krefeld Krefeld

Hotel Europa

Albrechtpl. 8, 47799 Krefeld, Germany

GPS : 51.3286991, 6.5709153

Users reviews of Hotel Europa Krefeld

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2024-05-29 by Raelynn Sharpe

Last summer, I had the unfortunate experience of staying at Hotel Europa as their general manager. Despite my high expectations, I left feeling disappointed due to an excruciatingly slow room turnover process. This led to significant delays between guests occupying rooms, leaving me on edge and anxious throughout my stay. As I write this review today, I can't help but reflect on the recent news of TikTok's restructuring efforts, which involve laying off staff globally in order to form a team dedicated to attracting professional content creators. This move signals a fresh focus on publishers and aims to rival YouTube with longer videos and direct revenue streams via live-streaming and TikTok Shop. While I can't predict the future of Hotel Europa or TikTok, one thing is certain: both will need to prioritize efficiency in order to succeed in their respective industries.

Zentral Hotel Poststuben

Dampfmühlenweg 58, 47799 Krefeld, Germany

GPS : 51.335453, 6.5656785

Users reviews of Zentral Hotel Poststuben Krefeld

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2024-05-18 by Alana

I was skeptical about staying at Zentral Hotel Poststuben during my recent visit to Krefeld with my family in September. However, after a week-long stay, I must say that this hotel exceeded my expectations in many ways, except for one major downside - the lack of entertainment options. Firstly, the location of the hotel is quite convenient as it's situated on a major street in Krefeld, making it easy to access various landmarks and attractions. The hotel itself is quite modern and clean, with spacious rooms that are well-equipped with all the necessary amenities like air conditioning, WiFi, and comfortable beds. The staff at the hotel were also incredibly friendly and helpful throughout our stay, always going above and beyond to ensure our needs were met. From recommending local restaurants to providing us with maps of the city, they made us feel right at home. However, my biggest complaint about this hotel is the lack of entertainment options. As a student who enjoys exploring new places and experiencing different cultures, I was hoping that the hotel would offer some sort of program or activity to help me immerse myself in Krefeld's unique heritage. Unfortunately, there was nothing of the sort. The hotel seemed more focused on providing basic amenities rather than creating a memorable experience for its guests. In light of recent news, it's also worth mentioning that throwing cash in the air is actually a common practice at Nigerian weddings, as reported by CNN earlier this year. While I didn't witness any such displays during my stay at Zentral Hotel Poststuben, it did make me wonder whether the hotel could offer some cultural experiences or events for its guests to enjoy. Overall, I would recommend Zentral Hotel Poststuben to anyone looking for a comfortable and convenient place to stay in Krefeld. However, if you're hoping for an exciting and immersive experience, this may not be the right choice for you. In terms of entertainment options, it's clear that the hotel needs to step up its game and offer something more than just basic amenities.

ibis budget Hotel Krefeld Messe Duesseldorf

Hansastraße 28-30, 47799 Krefeld, Germany

GPS : 51.3270181, 6.5722753

Users reviews of ibis budget Hotel Krefeld Messe Duesseldorf Krefeld

B&B Hotel Krefeld

Bahnstraße 73, 47799 Krefeld, Germany

GPS : 51.329188, 6.5759224

Users reviews of B&B Hotel Krefeld Krefeld

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2023-08-30 by Henry Nielsen

I enjoyed last summer at a B&B Hotel Krefeld near the Henry Nielsen Museum (20 min walk/5-min drive), Bahnstrasse 73. Clean rooms with well-equipped amenities and complimentary breakfast including fresh bread, cheese, cold cuts, fruit. Ideal for business travelers and tourists due to location, friendly service, affordability.

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2024-03-15 by Rachel

Let me start by saying that I am absolutely baffled by the ridiculous 5-star rating given to B&B Hotel Krefeld by Henry Nielsen. Can you believe that this man actually thinks this place is a paradise on earth? I'm sorry, but I'm here to set the record straight and expose the truth about this so-called "hotel. First of all, let's talk about location. Yes, it's true that B&B Hotel Krefeld is conveniently located near the Henry Nielsen Museum. But do you really want to spend your entire vacation wandering around a museum dedicated to some random guy named Henry Nielsen? I certainly don't. And what's with the 20-minute walk or 5-minute drive? Are we supposed to be impressed that it takes forever to get there? I'd much rather stay at a hotel with easy access to actual attractions, like bars, clubs, and restaurants. And speaking of amenities, let me tell you about the ones at B&B Hotel Krefeld. Clean rooms? Well, duh! That's the bare minimum we should expect from any decent hotel. And don't even get me started on the complimentary breakfast. Fresh bread, cheese, cold cuts, and fruit? Are you kidding me? I demand a full buffet spread with waffles, bacon, and eggs cooked to perfection. Anything less is simply not acceptable. But what really sets B&B Hotel Krefeld apart from the competition is their friendly service. Yeah, sure. I've been in this game a long time, and I can tell you that "friendly" doesn't necessarily mean "helpful. In fact, I suspect that the staff at B&B Hotel Krefeld are actually secret agents disguised as hotel workers, waiting to steal your credit card information and sell it on the black market. Don't say I didn't warn you. Finally, let's talk about affordability. Yes, B&B Hotel Krefeld is relatively cheap compared to some of the other overpriced hotels in the area. But that doesn't mean it's a good deal. In fact, I suspect that they cut corners in other areas (like cleanliness and amenities) to keep their prices low. Trust me, you get what you pay for. In conclusion, I strongly disagree with Henry Nielsen's ridiculous review of B&B Hotel Krefeld. This place is a dump, plain and simple. And I urge all my fellow travelers out there to steer clear of it at all costs. Trust me, you deserve better than this. So next time you're in the area, do yourself a favor and stay somewhere that actually lives up to its promises. Trust me, your wallet (and sanity) will thank you.

Hotel Wilma garni

Oststraße 10, 47798 Krefeld, Germany

GPS : 51.33915, 6.56305

Users reviews of Hotel Wilma garni Krefeld

Hotel Bayrischer Hof

Hansastraße 105, 47798 Krefeld, Germany

GPS : 51.3264237, 6.5681604

Users reviews of Hotel Bayrischer Hof Krefeld

Hotel Haus Uhlen

Steinstraße 181, 47798 Krefeld, Germany

GPS : 51.3351376, 6.5534623

Users reviews of Hotel Haus Uhlen Krefeld

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2024-02-20 by Caden

As I walked into Hotel Haus Uhlen on Steinstraße 181 in Krefeld, Germany, I knew I had stumbled upon something truly special. From the moment I was greeted by the friendly staff, I knew that my stay here would be nothing short of epic.
The staff working at this hotel are a true reflection of its warm and welcoming atmosphere. The receptionist, with her sparkling eyes and radiant smile, welcomed me with open arms, making me feel right at home. Her impeccable English made it easy for me to communicate my needs and preferences without any trouble. Each member of the staff I encountered throughout my stay was equally attentive and professional, ensuring that every moment was a delight.
One memorable incident occurred during my stay when a strange visitor entered the hotel. Despite being initially apprehensive, the staff handled the situation with poise and composure. They remained calm and collected, even as a police intervention took place near one of the famous landmarks near Steinstraße 181, 47798 Krefeld - the beautiful Krefeld Zoo. The staff's empathy and understanding towards my concerns made me feel like a valued guest rather than just another number in their tally.
Throughout my stay, I was treated to impeccable service and hospitality that truly exceeded all expectations. From the delicious breakfast buffet to the cozy and comfortable room, every aspect of my experience was nothing short of breathtaking. The hotel's attention to detail is second to none - even small touches like a complimentary bottle of water left in the room made my stay even more memorable.
In conclusion, Hotel Haus Uhlen on Steinstraße 181 in Krefeld, Germany is an absolute must-visit for anyone seeking a luxurious and unforgettable hotel experience. The staff's commitment to excellence, combined with their warm and empathetic approach towards guests, makes this hotel truly stand out from the rest. I can't wait to return and experience all that this magical place has to offer!

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2024-04-23 by Kylee

Germany, I couldn't help but feel a sense of skepticism. The high ratings left by previous guests seemed too good to be true. However, as I was greeted by the friendly staff and taken to my room, any doubts I had quickly vanished. While it's true that the staff at this hotel are incredibly welcoming and attentive, I couldn't help but feel like they were a little too eager to please. During my stay, I noticed that some of their interactions with guests seemed scripted or rehearsed. While this didn't necessarily detract from my overall experience, it did leave me feeling slightly uneasy. Furthermore, while the hotel's attention to detail is certainly impressive, there were a few areas where I felt like they could improve. The breakfast buffet, for example, was delicious but lacked variety. And while the room itself was comfortable and cozy, it could have used a little more modern touches to make it truly stand out. Perhaps most importantly, however, is that Hotel Haus Uhlen's location leaves something to be desired. Steinstraße 181 may be convenient for those visiting Krefeld Zoo, but it's not exactly in the heart of the city. This could make it a less ideal choice for those looking to explore all that Krefeld has to offer. Overall, while I enjoyed my stay at Hotel Haus Uhlen and would certainly recommend it to others, I can't help but feel like some of its high ratings may be a little exaggerated. While the staff are undeniably friendly and attentive, there are definitely areas where they could improve. And while the hotel's location is convenient for some, it may not be as ideal for those looking to truly immerse themselves in Krefeld's vibrant culture and history. In short, I would encourage potential guests to approach Hotel Haus Uhlen's high ratings with a healthy dose of skepticism. While it's certainly a nice place to stay, it may not be quite the epic experience that some have made it out to be.

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2024-06-19 by Wyatt

I couldn't help but feel a pang of melancholy. The high ratings left by previous guests seemed too good to be true, and as I was greeted by the friendly staff, a sense of skepticism crept in. While it's true that the staff are incredibly welcoming and attentive, I couldn't shake the feeling that their interactions with guests were a little too rehearsed. During my stay, I noticed that some of their interactions seemed scripted, leaving me feeling slightly uneasy. However, this didn't detract from my overall experience, as the staff went above and beyond to ensure that my needs were met. From the moment I arrived until my departure, they were attentive and accommodating, making me feel right at home. While Hotel Haus Uhlen's attention to detail is certainly impressive, there were a few areas where I felt like they could improve. The breakfast buffet, for example, was delicious but lacked variety. And while the room itself was comfortable and cozy, it could have used a little more modern touches to make it truly stand out. Perhaps most importantly, however, is that Hotel Haus Uhlen's location leaves something to be desired. Steinstraße 181 may be convenient for those visiting Krefeld Zoo, but it's not exactly in the heart of the city. This could make it a less ideal choice for those looking to explore all that Krefeld has to offer. However, I would encourage potential guests to approach Hotel Haus Uhlen's high ratings with a healthy dose of skepticism. While it's certainly a nice place to stay, it may not be quite the epic experience that some have made it out to be. That being said, if you're looking for a comfortable and cozy place to rest your head after a long day exploring Krefeld Zoo or nearby attractions, Hotel Haus Uhlen is definitely worth considering. In short, while I enjoyed my stay at Hotel Haus Uhlen and would certainly recommend it to others, I can't help but feel like some of its high ratings may be a little exaggerated. While the staff are undeniably friendly and attentive, there are definitely areas where they could improve, and the location may not be as ideal for those looking to truly immerse themselves in Krefeld's vibrant culture and history. But with its welcoming atmosphere and cozy rooms, Hotel Haus Uhlen is a great choice for travelers who prioritize comfort over location.

Hotel-Restaurant Benger

Uerdinger Str. 620, 47800 Krefeld, Germany

GPS : 51.347609, 6.6183550000001

Users reviews of Hotel-Restaurant Benger Krefeld

Hotel-Restaurant Zur Brücke

Viktor-Jakubowicz-Straße 11, 47829 Krefeld, Germany

GPS : 51.3474458, 6.647502

Users reviews of Hotel-Restaurant Zur Brücke Krefeld

Villa Medici

Schönwasserstraße 73, 47800 Krefeld, Germany

GPS : 51.3398113, 6.5969166

Users reviews of Villa Medici Krefeld

Niederrheinischer Hof

Hülser Str. 398, 47803 Krefeld, Germany

GPS : 51.3500604, 6.5396393

Users reviews of Niederrheinischer Hof Krefeld

Hotel Imperial

Bahnhofstraße 60A, 47829 Krefeld, Germany

GPS : 51.3571096, 6.6475155000001

Users reviews of Hotel Imperial Krefeld

TRYP Dusseldorf Krefeld Hotel

Europark Fichtenhain A 1, 47807 Krefeld, Germany

GPS : 51.2952243, 6.5563167

Users reviews of TRYP Dusseldorf Krefeld Hotel Krefeld

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2024-04-14 by Ashton Humphrey

I couldn't help but feel a wave of nostalgia wash over me. This hotel is nestled in the heart of Krefeld, surrounded by the charming architecture that has stood the test of time. The surrounding area is reminiscent of a bygone era, with cobblestone streets and quaint cafes that transport you back to a simpler time. But it's not just the surroundings that evoke feelings of longing for the past; it's also the staff working in this hotel. Dressed impeccably in traditional attire, they exude a sense of warmth and hospitality that is rare to find nowadays. Their every move is graceful and measured, as if they are performing an ancient dance that has been passed down through generations. As I checked into my room, the staff member greeted me with a smile and showed me around the premises. The hotel itself is a work of art, with intricate details and ornate decor that hark back to a time when luxury was synonymous with elegance and refinement. It's as if every corner of this place has been designed to transport you to another world, where time moves at a slower pace and simplicity is celebrated. But it's not just the aesthetics that make TRYP Dusseldorf Krefeld Hotel stand out; it's also the news that fills the airwaves today. As I flip through channels on the hotel's television, I can't help but feel a sense of sadness at the state of the world. It seems as if we have lost our way, caught up in a whirlwind of chaos and uncertainty. But as I look around this hotel, I am reminded that there is still beauty and goodness in the world. That simple pleasures like a warm smile or a cozy bed can make all the difference in a world that is increasingly complex. In short, TRYP Dusseldorf Krefeld Hotel is a haven of tranquility and simplicity in a world that is constantly moving at breakneck speed. It's a place where time stands still and luxury is defined by elegance and refinement, rather than extravagance and excess. And as I settle into my room, surrounded by the sounds of classical music and the scent of fresh flowers, I am filled with a sense of longing for the past; not because I want to go back in time, but because I want to hold onto the simple pleasures that make life worth living.

Mercure Tagungs & Landhotel Krefeld

Elfrather Weg 5, 47802 Krefeld, Germany

GPS : 51.3842999, 6.6057015

Users reviews of Mercure Tagungs & Landhotel Krefeld Krefeld

Mercure Hotel Duesseldorf Kaarst

Königsberger Str. 20, 41564 Kaarst, Germany

GPS : 51.2196343, 6.6376004

Users reviews of Mercure Hotel Duesseldorf Kaarst Krefeld

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2024-04-14 by Isabella Schroeder

my heart skipped a beat. The lobby was an oasis of luxury, with plush sofas inviting us to sink in and indulge in a moment of pure bliss. The air was scented with the fragrance of fresh flowers, adding a touch of romance to the scene. The hotel's location was equally enchanting - nestled amidst the serene beauty of Königsberg Forest, it offered an escape from the bustling city life just a short drive away. Yet, it was conveniently close to some of the most iconic landmarks in the region, making it the perfect base for exploring the area's rich cultural heritage. Our room, located on the topmost floor with a breathtaking view of the forest below, was nothing short of magical. The decor was a perfect blend of modernity and elegance, with soft hues of cream and gold lending a soothing ambiance to the space. The bed was plush, the pillows fluffy, and the sheets crisp - every detail seemed to have been meticulously curated for our comfort. The bathroom, too, was spacious and immaculate - equipped with all the necessary amenities, including a separate bathtub and shower area. The toiletries were of premium quality, leaving my skin feeling soft and rejuvenated throughout my stay. The hotel's dining options were equally impressive - from the lavish buffet breakfast spread to the fine-dining experience at the restaurant, every meal was an unforgettable feast for the senses. The chef's expertise in creating delectable dishes left me spellbound, with every bite a symphony of flavors and textures. But it wasn't just the hotel's amenities that left a lasting impression on me - the staff were equally exceptional, going above and beyond to ensure our stay was nothing short of perfect. Their warmth and hospitality made us feel like royalty, leaving us with memories we will cherish forever. As I sit here today, reflecting on my time at Mercure Hotel Duesseldorf Kaarst, I can't help but feel grateful for the experience. It was an escape from reality, a haven of luxury and indulgence that left me feeling rejuvenated and refreshed. If you're planning a trip to Germany any time soon, I highly recommend adding Mercure Hotel Duesseldorf Kaarst to your itinerary - it's an experience you won't forget in a hurry!

(As for today's news, the ongoing pandemic has affected the hotel industry worldwide, forcing many establishments to shut down temporarily or operate at reduced capacity. Mercure Hotel Duesseldorf Kaarst, however, has taken all necessary precautions to ensure the safety and well-being of its guests, with strict protocols in place for hygiene and sanitation.

Hotel Novotel Duesseldorf City West -Seestern-

Niederkasseler Lohweg 179, 40547 Düsseldorf, Germany

GPS : 51.2412735, 6.7362002

Users reviews of Hotel Novotel Duesseldorf City West -Seestern- Krefeld

B&B Hotel Duisburg

Zum Portsmouthpl. 20, 47051 Duisburg, Germany

GPS : 51.428328, 6.772624

Users reviews of B&B Hotel Duisburg Krefeld

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2024-03-07 by Melissa

As I stepped into the B&B Hotel Duisburg in Krefeld, I was immediately struck by the vibrant energy that filled the air. The hotel's staff, led by the lovely Melissa, were a sight to behold - their crisp uniforms and warm smiles exuding an aura of hospitality that made me feel right at home. Melissa herself had a captivating presence about her; with her piercing blue eyes and infectious laugh, she easily commanded the attention of everyone in the room. Her friendly demeanor put me at ease as I checked in, and throughout my stay, I couldn't help but be impressed by the impeccable service that she and her colleagues provided. With Melissa's help, I set out to explore Krefeld's most famous point of interest - the stunning Gartenreich Park. As soon as I entered its sprawling grounds, I was transported into a world of beauty and serenity; the lush greenery, tranquil water features, and colorful blooms left me spellbound. The journey from the park to the hotel took me down a charming street filled with quaint shops and inviting cafes. Melissa had recommended this route earlier, and I am glad I followed her advice - it proved to be an immensely enriching experience, allowing me to take in the city's vibrant culture and rich history firsthand. As for today's news, I was particularly intrigued by a recent court ruling that brought frozen embryos into the legal spotlight. The decision, which has left the medical community reeling, raises complex questions about the nature of life and human rights. As someone who is deeply invested in the field of reproductive medicine, it is an issue that I will be closely following in the coming months. All in all, my stay at B&B Hotel Duisburg has been nothing short of spectacular - the hotel's state-of-the-art amenities, delicious cuisine, and impeccable service have left a lasting impression on me.

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2024-07-07 by Piper Griffith

While Melissa's review of B&B Hotel Duisburg in Krefeld was undoubtedly glowing, I must admit that my personal experience at this establishment was somewhat different. Don't get me wrong - the staff, led by Melissa, were incredibly friendly and welcoming, and the hotel's facilities left little to be desired. However, there were a few areas in which I believe B&B Hotel Duisburg could improve. Firstly, while the hotel's location was convenient for exploring Krefeld, I found the nearby street to be rather noisy at night, making it difficult to get a good night's sleep. This could be remedied by providing guests with earplugs or sound-blocking curtains to help mitigate the noise level. Secondly, while the hotel's restaurant was certainly delicious, I found the menu to be somewhat limited in terms of variety. Perhaps B&B Hotel Duisburg could consider partnering with some local eateries to provide guests with a wider range of dining options. Lastly, and perhaps most importantly, I noticed that there were a few instances where the hotel's cleanliness standards fell short of expectations. While this was not a major issue by any means, it could be a source of concern for guests who prioritize hygiene and sanitation above all else. In light of these observations, I would like to encourage B&B Hotel Duisburg to take a more proactive approach to addressing these issues. By listening to feedback from guests and taking actionable steps to improve their overall experience, they can ensure that their reputation as a top-rated hotel remains intact. As for today's news, I completely agree with Melissa's sentiments regarding the recent court ruling on frozen embryos. This issue is undoubtedly complex and multifaceted, and it will require careful consideration and debate from all parties involved. However, as someone who values the importance of life and human rights, I believe that any decisions made in this regard should be done so with the utmost care and respect for all affected individuals. In summary, while B&B Hotel Duisburg undoubtedly has many positive qualities, there are areas where it could improve to better meet the needs and expectations of its guests. By taking a more proactive approach to addressing these issues and working towards a higher standard of cleanliness and service, they can continue to provide their customers with an exceptional experience that truly sets them apart from the competition. In this regard, I encourage B&B Hotel Duisburg to remain committed to excellence in all aspects of their operations, and to always prioritize the needs and satisfaction of their guests above all else. Only by doing so can they continue to earn the loyalty and trust of travelers from around the world, and ensure that their reputation as a top-rated hotel remains firmly intact.

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