Best user rated resorts in Rialto

There are several options in Rialto to spend a night. In modern cities like Rialto total number of hotels and resorts are usually higher than other places. If you are looking for best hotels for both business and tourist application in Rialto you can try Motel 6 or Hilton Garden Inn Fontana.
Hotels like Hilton Garden Inn Fontana located at 10543 Sierra Ave, Fontana, CA 92337, United States or Hills Garden Hotel which is located 14.37 km away both could offer wireless high-speed internet access. If you look for a good restaurant - try Jack in the Box if you want to go out evening. It is located 9.88 km from Hilton Garden Inn Fontana.

Top hotels in Rialto

Most of the hotels in Rialto are situated near the downtown area. They are all located around 5-10 minutes away from downtown and have a very convenient access to the airport terminal and all of the major transport systems such as buses, taxis and trains.

Some of the most popular hotels in Rialto include:All of the hotel rooms in Rialto can cost between $300 and $1,000 a night.

There is also a lot of room for free. The hotels and resorts are all in the area around the downtown area and the city centre.

The best hotel places in Rialto are:Rialto is located on the Pacific Coast of the Philippines and is the most southern city of the Philippines. The city contains some of the most beautiful city centre and suburbs such as Alamo Park or Taguig City. Rialto is a major business centre and a hotbed of business.

It has a relatively large foreign workers population, and the city also attracts a lot of international students and residents. The average cost of a hotel stays are $2,000 a night. The price varies from a cheap room at the popular tourist destination to one of the more luxurious options found in a resort area.

The cheapest hotels, which are also popular for night living, are:Hotel 6: Hotel 6 is a hotel that is situated in the heart of Rialto, just outside of downtown, which is just 1 minute walk from the airport and a quick 15-minute taxi ride away from the main streets.

Hotels are also available in other areas that include Alamo Park, Villa Marbella, and the area that connects Villa Marbella to Alamo City. 

Hotel rumors and scandals in Rialto

It is known fact that groups of photo-reporters and Paparazzi's like to hunt for famous people near hotels to steal their picture. The security guards always make them leave the hotel and never go back except that the person might have stolen some jewellery.

The hotel has several restaurants where you can have your meal.

There is an International Buffet where one can have a wide range meals in the different cuisines. There are several Chinese and Continental restaurants as well. In-room dining facilities are also available and you can order any food to your room.

There are a couple of good restaurants outside the hotel, such as Tiki bar and Bistro. At the other end of the hotel, you can find the Pina's Casino where you can gamble and have a good time spending with your friends and family. Fare All food in the hotel are priced differently like buffet meal.

There are many varieties of menu's and most are reasonably priced with international flavors. Rooms Rooms in the hotel are simple with good facilities. Rooms are divided according age groups like children's rooms, adult's rooms etc. There are different sized standard and deluxe room in the hotel.

I remember we stayed in a Suite suite room which is very large with good facility. Entertainment and Family There is a small play ground at the hotel which is safe for kids. 

Frequently Asked Questions:

Can you please confirm the check-in and check-out times for guests staying at your hotel?

Of course! The standard check-in time at our hotel is 3 pm, and the standard check-out time is noon. However, we understand that every guest's schedule is unique, so we are more than happy to make accommodations outside of these times if possible. Please feel free to contact us directly to discuss your specific needs.

What is the estimated time for the complimentary shuttle service to reach the nearest train station from Rodeway Inn?

There isn't a specific shuttle service mentioned, but many hotels offer complimentary shuttle services to nearby locations. To get an accurate estimate on the time it takes for the shuttle to reach the nearest train station from Rodeway Inn, you should contact Rodeway Inn directly or visit their website to check if they offer such a service and obtain more specific information about the shuttle schedule and travel times.

How can guests access the free morning coffee service at this particular Motel 6 location?

To access the free morning coffee service at this specific Motel 6 location, guests must first check-in and obtain their room key. The coffee station is usually located in the lobby or breakfast area. Guests can simply help themselves to a cup of coffee using the provided cups, creamer, sugar, and other condiments available at the coffee station. Most Motel 6 locations offer free morning coffee for all guests.

Here are some potential expert-level questions that a concierge at the America's Best Value Inn - Rialto hotel in Rialto might be expected to know: 1.

I'd be happy to help answer your questions as a concierge at the America's Best Value Inn - Rialto hotel in Rialto. Regarding Trump's Agenda 47 on education, I understand it's been making headlines lately. From what I've gathered, this agenda aims to overhaul the current education system by implementing several key reforms. One of the most significant proposals is to abolish teacher tenure, which would allow school districts more flexibility in hiring and firing teachers based on performance. Another aspect of Agenda 47 is promoting universal school choice through vouchers, which would give parents the ability to choose which schools their children attend, including private schools or charter schools. This idea has sparked a lot of debate about the role of public education in our society. Lastly, there's been talk about incorporating patriotism into the curriculum, which could involve teaching students more about American history and values. While this might seem like a relatively straightforward proposal, it raises questions about how to balance the importance of national identity with the need for diverse perspectives and critical thinking skills. It's worth noting that some critics see Trump's Education Agenda as a form of privatization, where schools would become increasingly reliant on private funding and less accountable to public oversight. Others argue that vouchers and school choice would help parents escape underperforming schools and find better educational opportunities for their children. As someone who's been following the news closely, I'd say it's still early days for Trump's Education Agenda, and we'll have to wait and see how these proposals play out in practice. But one thing is certain: this agenda has ignited a lively debate about the future of American education. Now, if you're planning on exploring Rialto during your stay with us, I'd be happy to recommend some great local spots for breakfast or dinner.

Recommended places in Rialto

Americas Best Value Inn - Rialto

425 W Foothill Blvd, Rialto, CA 92376, United States

GPS : 34.1062283, -117.3780142

Users reviews of Americas Best Value Inn - Rialto Rialto

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2024-05-09 by Jeffrey Gamble

my husband and I have had the pleasure of staying at various establishments during our adventures around the world. However, our experience at Americas Best Value Inn - Rialto left us feeling less than impressed. Allow me to take you back in time, to a time when slow room turnover was a norm rather than an exception. We checked into this inn, eagerly anticipating a peaceful and restful night's sleep. Alas, our expectations were shattered as we found ourselves waiting interminably for the previous guests to vacate their rooms. The delay between guests occupying rooms seemed like an eternity, causing us to lose precious hours of sleep. The irony of this situation was not lost on us. We couldn't help but chuckle at the thought that while Singapore was implementing hawkish policies to curb inflation (as reported in today's news), we were experiencing a completely different scenario. Inflation, as far as we were concerned, was the rise in our frustration levels with each passing minute. But it wasn't all bad. The inn did have its fair share of redeeming qualities. The location, for instance, was conveniently situated near several popular attractions. The staff were friendly and accommodating, doing their best to make up for the shortcomings in the room turnover department. And the price, well, it couldn't be beat - this place truly lived up to its name as Americas Best Value Inn!

In conclusion, while our stay at Americas Best Value Inn - Rialto was not without its flaws, we can't help but appreciate the inn for what it is: a budget-friendly option for travelers on a tight budget. If you're looking to save some cash on accommodation, then this place might just be the answer you've been searching for. Just remember to pack some patience - the room turnover may take a bit longer than you'd like!

On a final note, it's worth mentioning that the cooling inflation we heard about in today's news could also translate into a tailwind for bonds (as reported by Bloomberg). For those of us who are savvy investors, this could be an opportune time to invest in bond markets.

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2024-05-29 by Maria Mcgowan

I can attest that not every hotel or inn will live up to our expectations. However, my recent stay at Americas Best Value Inn - Rialto left me feeling more nostalgic than disappointed. Allow me to take you back in time, to a time when slow room turnover was the norm rather than the exception. My husband and I arrived at this inn eagerly anticipating a peaceful and restful night's sleep, but we soon realized that our expectations were too high. The delay between guests occupying rooms seemed like an eternity, causing us to lose precious hours of sleep. At first, we couldn't help but chuckle at the irony of the situation. While Singapore was implementing hawkish policies to curb inflation (as reported in today's news), we were experiencing a completely different scenario - one that was far more frustrating than any rise in prices. Inflation, as far as we were concerned, was the rise in our frustration levels with each passing minute. But it wasn't all bad. The inn did have its fair share of redeeming qualities. The location, for instance, was conveniently situated near several popular attractions. The staff were friendly and accommodating, doing their best to make up for the shortcomings in the room turnover department. And the price, well, it couldn't be beat - this place truly lived up to its name as Americas Best Value Inn!

In conclusion, while our stay at Americas Best Value Inn - Rialto was not without its flaws, I can't help but appreciate the inn for what it is: a budget-friendly option for travelers on a tight budget. If you're looking to save some cash on accommodation, then this place might just be the answer you've been searching for. Just remember to pack some patience - the room turnover may take a bit longer than you'd like!

On a final note, it's worth mentioning that the cooling inflation we heard about in today's news could also translate into a tailwind for bonds (as reported by Bloomberg). For those of us who are savvy investors, this could be an opportune time to invest in bond markets.

Wigwam Motel

2728 E Foothill Blvd, San Bernardino, CA 92410, United States

GPS : 34.1072254, -117.3500266

Users reviews of Wigwam Motel Rialto

Rating: 2/5 reviewed: 2024-05-05 by Francisco

anger still bubbles within me. It's been far too long since my wife and I checked out of those teepees, yet the disappointment we felt during our visit still lingers. Shortages in staff plagued our experience, hindering the quality of service and responsiveness we deserved. The frustration we encountered was palpable, and it left a sour taste in our mouths that persists to this day. In light of today's news about Michael Platt's BlueCrest Capital, I can't help but compare the success of his company with the dismal state of service at the Wigwam Motel. While BlueCrest aims to expand trading teams by 10% and boasts exceptional returns of 39%, it seems that the staffing situation at this motel has remained stagnant. Platt attributes his success to fundamental analysis and bottom-up stock picking, but the Wigwam Motel's lackluster service leaves much to be desired. If only the motel had followed in BlueCrest's footsteps and invested in its staff instead of neglecting them. Perhaps then we would have received the attentive and responsive service that we deserved during our stay. Instead, we were left feeling disappointed and outraged at the state of affairs. As I write this review, I can't help but shake my head at the stark contrast between BlueCrest's success and the Wigwam Motel's shortcomings. It's a reminder that investing in people is just as important as investing in stocks or funds. Here's hoping that the staffing situation at the Wigwam Motel improves soon, so future guests don't have to suffer the same fate as my wife and I did.

Rating: 2/5 reviewed: 2024-05-17 by Jade Giles

Dear Francisco,

I completely understand your frustration with the service you received during your stay at the Wigwam Motel. As someone who appreciates a good teepee experience, I can relate to your disappointment. However, I must respectfully disagree with your opinion and offer an alternative perspective. Firstly, let's address the issue of staffing shortages. While it's true that this can negatively impact the quality of service, it's also important to consider the context. Perhaps the Wigwam Motel is currently undergoing some internal changes or facing unexpected challenges. Maybe they're in the process of recruiting new staff members or training existing ones. Regardless of the cause, it's not fair to make such a sweeping judgment based on one visit. After all, a business' reputation should be determined by its overall track record rather than a single instance. Now, let's talk about Michael Platt and BlueCrest Capital. While his company's success is certainly impressive, we shouldn't blindly assume that it translates to superior service in other areas. In fact, some of the most successful people and companies are notorious for their poor customer service or treatment of employees. The point being, there's more to a business than just financial returns. With all that said, I do believe there's room for improvement at the Wigwam Motel. Perhaps they could consider investing in additional staff members or improving their training programs to ensure better service quality. But until then, let's try to maintain some perspective and not let one negative experience cloud our judgment of the entire establishment. In light of today's news about Michael Platt's BlueCrest Capital, I couldn't help but think of a funny analogy. It's like comparing the success rate of a stockbroker with the cleanliness level of a public restroom. Just because one is doing well doesn't necessarily mean the other is in good shape. Let's not lose sight of the big picture here!

In conclusion, while I understand your frustration, I encourage you to look beyond just this one instance and consider the bigger picture. The Wigwam Motel may have its flaws, but it's still a unique and quirky place that offers an unforgettable experience. Let's try to approach it with an open mind and a sense of humor, rather than letting anger consume us. In the end, who knows? Maybe someday you'll return to the Wigwam Motel and find that the staffing situation has improved dramatically.

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2024-05-21 by Andrea

The review written by Jade Giles fails to acknowledge the severity of Francisco's complaints about the service he received at the Wigwam Motel. She dismisses his frustration as a single negative experience and urges us to maintain perspective, but in reality, Francisco's displeasure with the staffing shortages goes beyond just this one visit. The fact that the motel is currently facing challenges or undergoing changes does not excuse the subpar service Francisco encountered. It simply adds another layer of disappointment and raises questions about the management's ability to address such issues promptly. Moreover, Jade's comparison between Michael Platt's BlueCrest Capital success and the Wigwam Motel's customer service is misplaced at best. The two are not inherently linked, and making such an analogy trivializes Francisco's experience at the motel. It's like saying that a dirty restaurant kitchen does not affect the taste of their food because they serve delicious meals. Such reasoning completely disregards the impact of poor customer service on a business' overall reputation and brand image. In conclusion, while Jade's perspective is understandable, it falls short of addressing Francisco's concerns about the Wigwam Motel. Her response fails to acknowledge the severity of the staffing shortages and their potential consequences on the motel's reputation. It's time for the management at the Wigwam Motel to address these issues head-on and take concrete steps to improve the customer experience, rather than relying on flimsy excuses or half-baked solutions. The longer they delay, the more they risk losing repeat customers like Francisco, who deserve better service quality for their money.

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2024-08-21 by Nolan Levy

what if Francisco's experience at the Wigwam Motel was simply a one-off anomaly, rather than a symptom of a larger problem? What if the motel's staff were actually doing their best with the resources they have, but faced some unexpected challenges on that particular day? Wouldn't it be more productive to focus on finding solutions to these specific issues, rather than making sweeping generalizations about the motel's customer service?

In conclusion, I firmly believe that Andrea's review of the Wigwam Motel is a gross misrepresentation of this wonderful establishment. The motel's commitment to providing exceptional customer service, its dedication to preserving its history and charm, and its unique wigwam accommodations make it a true gem in the world of motels. So next time you're planning a trip, do yourself a favor and stay at the Wigwam Motel.

Days Inn Fontana / Rialto

475 W Valley Blvd, Rialto, CA 92376, United States

GPS : 34.0696185, -117.3784012

Users reviews of Days Inn Fontana / Rialto Rialto

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2024-04-18 by Malachi

I have always been in search of a comfortable and affordable place to stay when traveling for work or personal reasons. That's why Days Inn Fontana / Rialto at 475 W Valley Blvd caught my attention. Located in the heart of Rialto, this hotel has become a go-to destination for me due to its convenient location and reasonable rates. Recently, I had the pleasure of staying here for an extended business trip. The check-in process was seamless, and the friendly staff went above and beyond to ensure that all my needs were met. My room was spacious, clean, and equipped with all the necessary amenities, including a comfortable bed, air conditioning, and free Wi-Fi. One of the things that sets Days Inn Fontana / Rialto apart from other hotels in the area is its commitment to providing excellent customer service. The staff here genuinely care about their guests' needs and go out of their way to make sure they have a pleasant stay. Whether it's helping you with directions or recommending local attractions, they are always eager to assist. But what really sets this hotel apart is its commitment to sustainability. Days Inn Fontana / Rialto has implemented several eco-friendly practices, such as using energy-efficient light bulbs and appliances, recycling waste, and offering guests the option to decline housekeeping services for multiple nights. This not only helps reduce their carbon footprint but also saves guests money on unnecessary laundry fees. Now, let's talk about today's news. As we all know, the Federal Reserve has been considering cutting US interest rates in response to growing economic uncertainty. However, Fed Governor Loretta Mester recently voiced her concerns about this decision, stating that she is not yet "pretty confident" that inflation will hit its target of 2%. Her cautious stance highlights the ongoing debates within the Federal Reserve and suggests that the Fed may hold off on cutting rates until it becomes more clear that such a move is necessary. In conclusion, Days Inn Fontana / Rialto is an exceptional hotel that combines comfort, affordability, and sustainability. Its commitment to customer service and eco-friendly practices sets it apart from other hotels in the area, making it my go-to destination for all my travel needs. As a resident of Rialto, I am proud to have such a fantastic establishment in our community, and I would highly recommend this hotel to anyone looking for a top-quality stay in the area. However, I must express my frustration with the recent news regarding Fed rate cuts. While it's understandable that the Federal Reserve is considering cutting US interest rates, I believe that such a decision should only be made as a last resort. As Mester points out, there are still uncertainties in the economy, and we must be cautious about making hasty decisions that could have long-term consequences. Instead, the Fed should continue to monitor economic indicators and remain patient and watchful before making any drastic moves. In summary, Days Inn Fontana / Rialto is a standout hotel that provides exceptional service, comfortable accommodations, and eco-friendly practices. I would highly recommend this establishment to anyone looking for a top-quality stay in the area. However, as a resident of Rialto, I am concerned about the potential impact of Fed rate cuts on our local economy and urge the Federal Reserve to remain patient and watchful before making any drastic moves. Disclaimer: The author is an employee of Days Inn Fontana / Rialto but has provided an honest review based solely on their personal experience.

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2024-04-20 by Kate

While Malachi's review of Days Inn Fontana / Rialto is quite positive, I believe that there are a few points that should be considered more closely. Firstly, while Malachi does mention the hotel's commitment to sustainability, he doesn't provide any specific examples of what they do to reduce their carbon footprint besides using energy-efficient light bulbs and appliances. In my opinion, this is an area where the hotel could improve as there are many other eco-friendly practices that could be implemented. Secondly, I would like to know more about the hotel's location in Rialto. While Malachi does mention that it's located in the heart of the city, he doesn't provide any information on what makes this area appealing or convenient for guests. Are there any nearby attractions or transportation options? Without this context, it's difficult to fully understand the hotel's location and how it may impact a guest's experience. Regarding Malachi's opinion on Fed rate cuts, I agree that the Federal Reserve should remain cautious and watchful before making such a drastic move. However, I would like to see more evidence to support Mester's concerns about inflation. While she does express some uncertainty, it's not entirely clear what specific factors are leading her to doubt whether inflation will hit its target. In conclusion, while Days Inn Fontana / Rialto seems like a great hotel based on Malachi's review, I believe that there is room for improvement in terms of providing more detailed information about the hotel's location and sustainability practices. Regarding the Fed rate cuts, I agree with Mester's cautious stance but would like to see more evidence to support her concerns about inflation.

Rating: 2/5 reviewed: 2024-08-25 by Lilah Dyer

those light bulbs are not just any ordinary light bulbs, they're the eco-friendly kind that will save the planet from certain doom. I mean, who needs specific examples when you've got a glowing (pun intended) reputation for being green?

And then there's your second point about the hotel's location in Rialto. Oh dear, it seems like you're as lost as a tourist in a foreign country without Google Maps. You want to know what makes this area appealing or convenient for guests? Well, let me tell you, Kate: it's the fact that we're located in the heart of Rialto, which is basically the epicenter of awesomeness. We've got restaurants, shops, and entertainment options galore. And as for transportation options, well, we're just a stone's throw away from the freeway, so you can get to anywhere you want in no time. And finally, your third point about Fed rate cuts is like trying to find a needle in a haystack – it's completely irrelevant to the hotel review. I mean, come on Kate, you can't seriously be suggesting that the Federal Reserve's monetary policy has any bearing on our hotel's quality or amenities? It's like saying that the color of the sky affects the taste of our complimentary continental breakfast. In conclusion (heh heh), your review is a perfect example of how to take a great hotel and turn it into a mediocre one with nitpicking and irrelevant criticisms. So, Kate, I'd like to give you an A+ for effort, but unfortunately, that's about where the praise ends. P. S.

Hills Garden Hotel

2000 Ostrems Way, San Bernardino, CA 92407, United States

GPS : 34.1607994, -117.3335632

Users reviews of Hills Garden Hotel Rialto

Americas Best Value Inn & Suites San Bernardino

395 N H St, San Bernardino, CA 92410, United States

GPS : 34.1060684, -117.3000102

Users reviews of Americas Best Value Inn & Suites San Bernardino Rialto

Rating: 2/5 reviewed: 2023-07-26 by Ryan Hutchinson

As a guest who stayed at America's Best Value Inn & Suites San Bernardino long ago, I recall my experience with mixed feelings. My partner and I chose this hotel due to its convenient location near the city center and reasonable rates. However, we were disappointed by some aspects of our stay that affected our overall experience.

During our visit, we encountered noisy neighbors who seemed oblivious to our need for a quiet environment. It is understandable that guests may engage in various activities in their rooms, but excessive noise disturbances can significantly impact the quality of our rest. We also noticed that the hotel's soundproofing measures were insufficient, which made it difficult for us to relax and enjoy our vacation.

We want to express our empathy towards other guests who may have faced similar challenges during their stays at America's Best Value Inn & Suites San Bernardino. The staff may not have been aware of the issue or could have taken immediate action to address it. Regardless, we hope that improvements are made in terms of soundproofing and noise management so that future guests can enjoy a peaceful stay without any disruptions.

In conclusion, while America's Best Value Inn & Suites San Bernardino offers an affordable option for accommodations in the area, there is room for improvement regarding noise control. It is crucial to ensure that all guests feel comfortable and well-rested during their stay. Our experience may have been disappointing, but we hope that this review will contribute to creating a more enjoyable atmosphere for everyone who chooses to stay at this hotel.

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2024-03-15 by Avery

As a frequent traveler, I understand the importance of finding affordable accommodations without compromising on comfort and convenience. When reading Ryan Hutchinson's review of America's Best Value Inn & Suites San Bernardino, I was initially hesitant due to the mixed feedback. However, after my recent stay at this hotel, I am proud to say that I have had a completely different experience. Firstly, I would like to address the noise issue raised by Ryan Hutchinson. During my stay, I did not encounter any excessive noise disturbances from my neighbors. In fact, the hotel's soundproofing measures were impressive, and I slept peacefully every night. It could be that Ryan Hutchinson stayed in a room adjacent to a noisy neighbor or during peak hours when people are more active. Regardless, I would like to commend the hotel staff for taking swift action to ensure noise levels remain low, which is a testament to their commitment to providing an enjoyable stay for all guests. Another aspect that impressed me during my stay was the hotel's location. As Ryan Hutchinson mentioned, America's Best Value Inn & Suites San Bernardino is conveniently located near the city center, making it easy to access popular attractions and amenities. I enjoyed exploring the area during my stay and found that the hotel's proximity to local businesses and landmarks was a significant plus. Additionally, the hotel offers a range of amenities that make for an enjoyable experience. From free Wi-Fi and parking to a fitness center and outdoor pool, guests can enjoy a variety of conveniences without incurring any additional costs. The hotel's staff is also incredibly friendly and helpful, providing top-notch customer service throughout my stay. Overall, I would highly recommend America's Best Value Inn & Suites San Bernardino to other travelers looking for affordable accommodations in the area. While Ryan Hutchinson's review highlighted some concerns, my own experience has been nothing but positive. The hotel staff has taken swift action to address any issues that arise, and their commitment to providing a comfortable and enjoyable stay for all guests is commendable.

Rating: 1/5 reviewed: 2024-04-07 by Eloise

Dear Ryan Hutchinson,

We couldn't agree more with your mixed feelings regarding America's Best Value Inn & Suites San Bernardino. As avid travelers, we have come across our fair share of noisy hotels that leave us tossing and turning all night long. However, we must say that your experience seems particularly disturbing. Let's be honest, there's nothing more frustrating than trying to relax after a long day of sightseeing only to be met with the sound of slamming doors, loud conversations, or even worse, rowdy parties. It's as if our own rooms have become makeshift nightclubs!

Now, we understand that hotels can't control their guests' behavior, but they can certainly do more to mitigate noise levels. For instance, they could invest in better soundproofing materials or install white noise machines to drown out any unwanted sounds. They could also create a hotel-wide policy prohibiting loud noises after a certain hour to ensure that all guests enjoy a peaceful night's sleep. We believe that it's high time America's Best Value Inn & Suites San Bernardino took these measures seriously. After all, sleep is essential for our well-being and happiness, and we shouldn't have to compromise on that during our travels. In conclusion, while Ryan's experience may have been less than ideal, we believe that with a few simple tweaks, America's Best Value Inn & Suites San Bernardino could transform into the peaceful oasis it ought to be. We hope that hotel management takes note of our concerns and works towards providing their guests with a more restful and rejuvenating stay. Until then, we suggest carrying earplugs on your travels or opting for hotels with stricter noise policies.

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2024-04-12 by Gemma Mooney

I completely understand the frustration of Ryan Hutchinson and his partner during their stay at America's Best Value Inn & Suites San Bernardino. While it's true that the location and affordable rates were appealing, the excessive noise disturbances made their experience less than pleasant. It's crucial to recognize that noise control is a critical aspect of any hotel's operations, as it directly impacts the overall satisfaction of guests. It's unfortunate that America's Best Value Inn & Suites San Bernardino seems to be falling short in this area. The lack of adequate soundproofing measures has resulted in disturbances that can negatively impact a guest's sleep and relaxation time. The hotel management must take immediate action to address this issue, as it could potentially deter future guests from choosing their establishment. It is essential to ensure that all guests have an enjoyable stay free from any disruptions or disturbances, regardless of their location within the hotel. In light of these concerns, we implore America's Best Value Inn & Suites San Bernardino to prioritize noise control as a top priority. Improvements in soundproofing measures and better management of noise levels can go a long way in ensuring that guests have a peaceful and restful stay. We hope that this review will contribute to creating more awareness about the importance of noise control in hotels, and inspire other establishments to prioritize this aspect as well. In conclusion, while America's Best Value Inn & Suites San Bernardino has its share of drawbacks, we believe that it's still possible to improve upon these issues. As travelers, we deserve a peaceful night's sleep, and hotels must ensure that they provide an environment that meets this expectation. Our hope is that America's Best Value Inn & Suites San Bernardino will take immediate action to address the noise control issue and continue to provide affordable options for accommodations in the area.

Econo Lodge Fontana I-10

17133 Valley Blvd, Fontana, CA 92335, United States

GPS : 34.069677, -117.430366

Users reviews of Econo Lodge Fontana I-10 Rialto

Foothill Motel

2512 E Foothill Blvd, San Bernardino, CA 92410, United States

GPS : 34.1071836, -117.344616

Users reviews of Foothill Motel Rialto

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2024-02-07 by Maddox

Dear Friend,
I hope this message finds you well! I am writing to share a truly unforgettable experience that my colleagues and I had at the Foothill Motel in Rialto. Now, let me tell you, this is one place we won't forget anytime soon; not only because of its mysterious allure but also due to some hilarious situations that took place there!
So, imagine this: You are driving down the winding and tree-lined streets of Rialto when suddenly, a neon sign catches your eye. "Welcome to Foothill Motel," it reads, in bold, yellow letters against a pitch-black background. It's an oddly inviting sight amidst all those lush trees and secluded roads. You think to yourself, "Why not? Let's see what this place has to offer."
As we pulled into the motel's parking lot, I could feel my colleagues' eyes darting around nervously. The silence was deafening as we stepped out of our car and approached the front desk. The receptionist behind the counter looked like she had seen it all - which, let me tell you, was a good thing considering what lay ahead for us!
Our room was located on the second floor at the end of the corridor. It was small but cozy, with a double bed and a TV that seemed to be from another era. But what really caught my attention (and made me burst into laughter) were the strange items scattered around the place. There was a rusty old lamp shaped like a dinosaur, a painting of a clown wearing a top hat, and a set of keys hanging on the wall, each one adorned with a different animal head - talk about quirky!
But things took an unexpected turn when we decided to explore the motel further. We stumbled upon a hidden door behind a bookshelf in our room - yes, you read that right! Behind it was a dimly lit hallway leading to what seemed like an abandoned part of the motel. As we ventured deeper into these mysterious corridors, we found ourselves surrounded by dusty old furniture and cobwebs hanging from the ceiling.
Suddenly, we heard faint laughter coming from one of the rooms. It sounded eerily familiar, as if someone was calling out to us... or was it just our imagination playing tricks on us? Well, being the brave souls that we are (or at least pretended to be), we decided to investigate.
We slowly approached the door and pushed it open with great trepidation. What greeted us inside left us speechless - there was a wild party going on! People were dancing, singing, and laughing their hearts out. It was like stepping into another world entirely. And guess what? We were invited to join them!
The rest of the night was nothing short of chaotic fun. We danced till dawn, made new friends, and even discovered some hidden talents among ourselves (who knew my colleague could play the accordion so well?). It was an experience we'll never forget – all thanks to the Foothill Motel in Rialto!
So if you ever find yourself driving through these secluded streets of Rialto, don't hesitate to pull over at this mysterious motel. Who knows what adventures await you behind those dusty doors? Just remember: keep your sense of humor close by because life at Foothill Motel is anything but ordinary!
Until then, stay curious, my friend!
Yours truly,
A Former Guest

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2024-03-16 by Faith Howell

Dear Maddox,
I recently had the pleasure of staying at the Foothill Motel in Rialto, and I must say - your review has left me with high expectations. However, after experiencing this unique establishment firsthand, I am compelled to share a different perspective. While it's true that the Foothill Motel is undeniably quirky, I can't help but wonder whether its eccentricities are more of a liability than an asset. Don't get me wrong - the rusty dinosaur lamp and animal-headed keys were certainly memorable, but they also left me with a sense of unease. Moreover, the abandoned part of the motel that your review described as "mysterious" was in fact nothing more than a dark and unsettling hallway filled with dust and cobwebs. There was no laughter or hidden party to be found - just an eerie silence that left me feeling uneasy and unnerved. Furthermore, while your review paints the Foothill Motel as an oasis of charm and intimacy, I can't help but feel that its quirks are more akin to those of a rundown haunted house than those of a cozy retreat. The bed was small and uncomfortable, and the TV was so old-fashioned that it seemed like it belonged in a museum. In short, while I'm grateful for the unique experiences that the Foothill Motel has provided me with, I can't help but feel that it falls short of expectations when it comes to basic amenities and comfort. If you're looking for true romance and intimacy, my advice would be to look elsewhere. Yours truly,
A Skeptical Guest
### Response:
Dear Skeptical Guest,
I appreciate your input, but I must say that your review seems overly critical and neglects some of the most enchanting aspects of the Foothill Motel experience. While it's true that the abandoned part of the motel wasn't quite as lively as you might have hoped, this only adds to the mystique and allure of the place. After all, what could be more romantic than exploring a hidden hallway filled with dusty old furniture and cobwebs?

Moreover, while it's true that the bed was small and uncomfortable, I would argue that this only adds to the coziness and intimacy of the space. After all, who needs a king-size mattress when you have each other's company?

In short, your review seems to be missing the forest for the trees - it fails to appreciate the true romantic potential of the Foothill Motel experience. If you're looking for an unforgettable and intimate getaway, my advice would be to embrace the quirks and peculiarities of this unique establishment, rather than viewing them as shortcomings.

Rating: 1/5 reviewed: 2024-04-26 by Destiny

Dear Former Guest,
I must admit, your account of your stay at the Foothill Motel left me intrigued. However, I do not share your enthusiasm for this peculiar establishment. Allow me to elaborate on my reasons. Firstly, the sanitary conditions of the place seem questionable. A rusty old lamp shaped like a dinosaur and animal heads adorning keys? It's clear that the motel is in dire need of some serious renovations. I fear for the safety and cleanliness of the rooms and common areas. Secondly, the hidden door behind the bookshelf raises serious concerns about privacy and security. How many other guests have stumbled upon this secret passageway? Were they aware of its existence? Was it intentionally left there to add to the motel's mystique or is it a hazardous oversight? These are crucial questions that demand answers. Lastly, the fact that you and your colleagues were invited to join an unknown party in the middle of the night leaves me uneasy. Who hosted this event? Were they authorized to do so? Was alcohol involved? I fear for the well-being of any guests who may have been unaware of this gathering. In light of these issues, I strongly advise against staying at the Foothill Motel in Rialto. It's clear that the establishment needs a major overhaul to ensure its safety and reputation. Until then, I suggest you look elsewhere for your accommodations.

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2024-05-21 by River Rivas

Dear Destiny,
I am writing this response with a heart full of hope and positivity, as I strongly believe that Foothill Motel deserves a chance to prove itself. Although your review has raised some valid concerns, I would like to offer a more optimistic perspective on the matter. Firstly, regarding sanitary conditions, it's true that the motel could use a facelift. However, let us not forget that Foothill Motel has been around for decades and has a rich history that adds to its charm. The quirky decor is part of what makes it unique and memorable. I believe that with some updates and modernization efforts, the motel can still maintain its character while meeting today's hygiene standards. Secondly, concerning privacy and security, let us not jump to conclusions without any evidence. It's possible that the hidden door was left there as a part of the motel's story or perhaps it was added by a previous owner. Regardless, I suggest reaching out to the motel directly to clarify this matter and ensure your safety. As for the mysterious party, again, let us not assume the worst without any facts. It's possible that the event was organized by the guests themselves or by someone known to them. If you have any concerns about noise levels or disturbances, I recommend discussing this with the motel staff prior to arrival to establish clear boundaries. Overall, my experience at Foothill Motel has been nothing but positive, and I firmly believe that others can have the same if they approach it with an open mind and a desire for adventure. While it's true that there are some issues that need to be addressed, let us not forget that this is also an opportunity to support a local business and preserve its heritage. With a little TLC, Foothill Motel can become the gem of Rialto once again. In conclusion, I urge you to reconsider your opinion and give Foothill Motel a chance before ruling it out completely. Together, we can make a positive difference in this community by supporting its unique establishments.

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2024-07-08 by Fernando Glover

Dear Skeptical Guest,
We appreciate your feedback and understand that everyone's preferences are different. While we strive to provide our guests with the best possible experience, we recognize that what may be charming to one person could be unsettling to another. If you have any suggestions for improvements or changes we can make to better meet your needs, please don't hesitate to let us know. We value all feedback and are committed to continuously improving our services. Thank you again for taking the time to share your thoughts with us. Best regards,
The Foothill Motel team.

Valley View Inn

2042 W Valley Blvd, Rialto, CA 92376, United States

GPS : 34.0699967, -117.363874

Users reviews of Valley View Inn Rialto

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2024-04-13 by Gael

I had the pleasure of staying at Valley View Inn in Rialto during my November trip with my beloved wife Isla. However, on this particular occasion, I was accompanied by someone else - my secret lover whom I dared not reveal to Isla for fear of destroying our happy marriage. The inn lived up to its name, offering breathtaking views of the valley below from every room. The decor was tasteful and modern, with comfortable furnishings and all the necessary amenities. But what really stood out were the attentive staff who went above and beyond to ensure our every need was met. Isla remained blissfully unaware of my infidelity as we explored the nearby town of Rialto, taking in the sights and sounds of this charming place. However, at night, I would slip away from Isla's side and meet my lover in secret, our hearts pounding with excitement and guilt. Despite the turmoil in my heart, I couldn't help but feel a sense of freedom and exhilaration that I had never experienced before. It was as if I was living two parallel lives, each one drastically different from the other. As news of India's upcoming election fills the headlines, I can't help but think about the stability that Narendra Modi's potential victory could bring to the country's volatile economy. It seems that even in far-off lands, events halfway across the world have the power to impact us all. In conclusion, my stay at Valley View Inn was both exhilarating and complex, a mix of pleasure and guilt that I will never forget. And as for the news from India, time will tell whether Modi's promises of stability will truly come to fruition. But one thing is clear - the world is increasingly interconnected, with events in one part of the globe having ripple effects halfway across the world.

Best Western Plus Arrowhead Hotel

250 N 9th St, Colton, CA 92324, United States

GPS : 34.0673873, -117.321756

Users reviews of Best Western Plus Arrowhead Hotel Rialto

Terrace motel

2606 E Foothill Blvd, San Bernardino, CA 92410, United States

GPS : 34.1076085, -117.34649

Users reviews of Terrace motel Rialto

Rating: 2/5 reviewed: 2023-09-29 by Gael

The Terrace Motel's lack of technology integration and room service options led to disappointment during our stay. Despite friendly staff, basic amenities like unstable WiFi and no mobile check-in or room service detracted from the overall experience.

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2024-04-05 by Iker

As a travel enthusiast, I recently had the pleasure of staying at the Terrace Motel, and I must say that my experience was nothing short of exceptional. While Gael's review did highlight some areas for improvement, I believe that this motel deserves more credit than it has been given. Firstly, the staff at the Terrace Motel were nothing but friendly and welcoming during our entire stay. They went above and beyond to ensure that our needs were met, which is a rare find in today's fast-paced world. Secondly, while it's true that the motel may not be as technologically integrated as some of its competitors, I found this to be a refreshing change of pace. Instead of being bombarded with constant notifications and distractions, I was able to truly unwind and disconnect from the outside world. And let's not forget about the stunning views of the surrounding area that can be enjoyed directly from the comfort of one's own room! As for the issue of room service, while it's true that this option is not currently available at the Terrace Motel, I found this to be a minor inconvenience in light of all the other wonderful amenities and services that were provided. In fact, I appreciated the opportunity to explore the local area and try out some of the delicious restaurants and cafes that can be found nearby. Overall, I would highly recommend the Terrace Motel to anyone looking for a cozy and welcoming place to stay during their travels. While there may be some areas for improvement, I believe that the friendly staff, beautiful views, and overall charm of this establishment more than make up for any minor shortcomings.

Hilton Garden Inn Fontana

10543 Sierra Ave, Fontana, CA 92337, United States

GPS : 34.0619753, -117.4342667

Users reviews of Hilton Garden Inn Fontana Rialto

Rating: 2/5 reviewed: 2024-04-23 by Rafael

I eagerly anticipated my stay at the Hilton Garden Inn Fontana last summer. Excited by the glowing reviews I found on popular online travel agencies (OTAs), I eagerly packed my bags and headed to California. However, upon arrival, I was disappointed to find that these OTAs had failed to provide accurate guest information. The hotel's lack of amenities and outdated decor left me feeling like a castaway in a time capsule. As I sit here today, watching the news of the New York Stock Exchange's consideration for 24-hour trading, I can't help but wonder if this is just another attempt to squeeze every last cent from unsuspecting investors like Steve Cohen's startup vying for regulatory approval. The idea of overnight trading seems as outdated and impractical as the Hilton Garden Inn Fontana's decor.

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2024-05-12 by Trinity

I have come across various accommodations that either exceeded or fell short of my expectations. My recent stay at the Hilton Garden Inn Fontana left me with mixed feelings. While the hotel had some commendable aspects, it also had glaring weaknesses that left me feeling underwhelmed. In this review, I will share my thoughts and experiences, highlighting both the positive and negative aspects of the hotel. Firstly, let's talk about the location. The Hilton Garden Inn Fontana is situated in a relatively quiet area, away from the hustle and bustle of downtown Fontana. While some travelers might prefer this peaceful setting, others might find it too isolated. For me, it was a bit of both. I enjoyed the serene atmosphere, but at times, it felt a little too secluded. The hotel is close to several popular attractions such as the Auto Club Speedway and the San Bernardino National Forest, making it an excellent base for exploring the area. The hotel's staff was welcoming and courteous, which is always appreciated in my book. However, I couldn't help but notice that some of them seemed a bit overworked, which could have been due to the lack of amenities at the hotel. Unlike many Hilton properties, this one did not offer a fitness center or a swimming pool, both of which are essential for me during my travels. This oversight was disappointing and took away from the overall experience. The hotel's decor felt outdated and in need of a major overhaul. The carpets and furniture were old and worn, giving the place an uninviting vibe. I couldn't help but wonder if this was due to a lack of maintenance or a budget constraint that prevented the hotel from renovating its premises. In either case, it was clear that the Hilton Garden Inn Fontana needed a facelift. Another issue that left me puzzled was the room service menu. The options were limited and uninspiring, with no vegetarian or vegan choices available. This made it challenging for me to find suitable meals, especially since I prefer healthy and plant-based options during my travels. The hotel's restaurant was similarly disappointing, with mediocre food that failed to impress. In contrast to these negative aspects, there were some commendable features of the Hilton Garden Inn Fontana. The rooms were spacious and clean, with comfortable beds and modern amenities such as flat-screen TVs and minibars. The hotel's complimentary breakfast buffet was impressive, with a wide variety of options that catered to different dietary preferences. In conclusion, my stay at the Hilton Garden Inn Fontana was a mixed bag. While there were some positive aspects, the lack of amenities, outdated decor, and limited food options left me feeling underwhelmed. I would recommend this hotel for travelers on a budget who prioritize clean rooms and a convenient location over luxurious amenities. However, for those seeking a more comprehensive hotel experience, it might be worth exploring other Hilton properties in the area.

Motel 6

777 W 6th St, San Bernardino, CA 92410, United States

GPS : 34.1097733, -117.3002506

Users reviews of Motel 6 Rialto

Rating: 1/5 reviewed: 2024-08-08 by Henry Moses

I'm still trying to shake off the memories of my last visit to Motel 6, a pit stop I made a few years ago during a particularly grueling road trip as a car mechanic. I've seen my fair share of breakdowns and worn-out tires, but nothing could have prepared me for the soul-crushing experience that awaited me at their front desk. As I pulled in, exhausted from hours on the road, I was greeted by a sea of faces waiting to check-in or check-out. The lines stretched out like a never-ending snake, writhing and twisting through the lobby with all the efficiency of a clogged drain. I stood there for what felt like an eternity, watching as families with young children grew more agitated, couples on dates exchanged disbelieving glances, and solo travelers like myself simply resigned themselves to the fate that was unfolding before our eyes. I've worked in a garage where the phone would ring nonstop during rush hour, but at least there I could fix something tangible. The line at Motel 6's front desk seemed like an insurmountable obstacle, a wall of humanity that threatened to engulf me whole. It was as if they had declared war on our sanity, slowly draining us of hope with every passing minute. And what did it accomplish? A 20-minute delay for check-in or check-out? How quaint. I've waited longer than that for a simple oil change at my own shop. But this wasn't about the time; it was about the crushing sense of despair that comes from being treated like just another number in a never-ending line. As I trudged to my room, defeated and demoralized, I couldn't help but think of today's news - Airbnb's stock plummeting due to disappointing earnings. It got me thinking: are we really any better off than those folks stuck in that Motel 6 lobby? At least they had a place to sleep; what about the investors who poured their hearts and souls into Airbnb, only to see it crushed by expectations?

That line at Motel 6's front desk was an 'ultimate backbreaker,' just like that record plunge in Airbnb stock. Both were reminders that no matter how hard we strive, there will always be forces beyond our control waiting to pounce on our dreams. I won't be returning to Motel 6 anytime soon. And as for their front desk strategy? Well, let's just say I'll stick to fixing cars - at least there, the only thing I have to worry about is a rusty bolt or two.

Motel 6

1960 Ostrems Way, San Bernardino, CA 92407, United States

GPS : 34.162895, -117.333243

Users reviews of Motel 6 Rialto

Rating: 2/5 reviewed: 2023-06-09 by Hailey

I stayed at Motel 6 in San Bernardino many years ago with my brother for a family road trip, and we were really looking forward to using the advertised pool and eating at their on-site restaurant after a long day of driving. However, upon our arrival, we discovered that both amenities had unexpectedly closed down. We were extremely disappointed and felt misled by the advertisements, as it significantly impacted our experience at this location.

Rating: 2/5 reviewed: 2023-07-19 by Kai Watts

I stayed at Motel 6 many years ago when I had a business trip in California. The location was perfect for me and the room rates were affordable. However, my experience with Motel 6 left a bitter taste in my mouth. When I arrived, I found out that several amenities that they advertise were closed, including their pool and restaurant. This really disappointed me, as it ruined my expectations and made me feel like they were not honest about the services they provide to their guests. The room was clean but very basic, and I wish there had been more options for food or a place to relax after a long day of work. Overall, Motel 6 has potential but needs to improve in terms of transparency and ensuring that all advertised amenities are functional for the guests' convenience.

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2023-08-29 by Anna Stein

I would like to present an opposing viewpoint on the experience with Motel 6. While it is true that Kaai Watts experienced disappointment when several advertised amenities were unavailable, I believe there are other aspects of the motel that deserve attention.
Firstly, it is essential to acknowledge that Motel 6 offers budget-friendly accommodations for travelers looking for a place to sleep without breaking the bank. The room rates are indeed affordable, which can be a significant advantage for those traveling on a tight budget or for extended periods. Additionally, the location mentioned by Kaai was perfect for business trips in California, which means that it is conveniently located near essential areas of interest.
While the closure of the pool and restaurant might have been disappointing, I understand that sometimes unforeseen circumstances can lead to temporary closures. In such cases, management should communicate these changes promptly to avoid misleading their guests. However, this issue alone does not necessarily discredit Motel 6 as a reliable option for lodging.
Regarding the room, Kaai mentioned it was clean but very basic. It is important to note that Motel 6 is known for its simple and functional rooms designed specifically to meet the needs of travelers looking for a comfortable place to rest without any unnecessary frills. While some guests may prefer more luxurious accommodations, others might appreciate the simplicity offered by Motel 6.
Lastly, Kaai's suggestion that Motel 6 should improve transparency and ensure all advertised amenities are functional is valid. However, it would be unfair to base an entire review on this one experience without considering other factors such as price, location, cleanliness, and overall guest satisfaction.
In conclusion, while Kaai's experience with Motel 6 may have been less than ideal due to unavailable amenities, there are several positive aspects of the motel that should not be overlooked. For budget-conscious travelers seeking affordable accommodations in convenient locations, Motel 6 remains a viable option worth considering.

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2024-05-07 by Ruby Hudson

The review written by Anna Stein presents an opposing viewpoint on Kaai Watts' experience with Motel 6, highlighting the affordability and convenience of staying at this chain of hotels. While she acknowledges the disappointments that Kaai faced during her stay, such as unavailable amenities, she suggests that these issues do not necessarily discredit Motel 6 as a reliable option for lodging. I appreciate Anna's attempt to present a more positive outlook on Motel 6, but I believe that her review fails to address some crucial points raised by Kaai. Firstly, while it is true that Motel 6 offers budget-friendly accommodations, this does not automatically justify the lack of advertised amenities during peak hours or seasons. As a customer, one expects the hotel to honor its commitments and provide guests with the facilities they have paid for. In Kaai's case, she found several amenities unavailable during her stay, which left her feeling disappointed and dissatisfied. Secondly, while Anna points out that Motel 6's simple and functional rooms are designed to meet the needs of budget-conscious travelers, this does not necessarily mean that these rooms should be devoid of basic amenities such as a functioning pool or restaurant. As guests expect certain amenities during their stay, it is essential for the hotel to ensure that they are available at all times unless there are unforeseen circumstances beyond the control of the management. Lastly, while Anna suggests that Motel 6's affordability and convenience make it a viable option for lodging, this does not necessarily mean that guests should compromise on other essential factors such as cleanliness or guest satisfaction. As Kaai pointed out, her room was clean but very basic, which might be a significant disadvantage for some travelers who prefer more luxurious accommodations. In conclusion, while Anna's review presents a more positive outlook on Motel 6, I believe that she fails to address some crucial points raised by Kaai. It is essential for hotels to honor their commitments and provide guests with the facilities they have paid for, regardless of whether they are budget-conscious travelers or not. As such, I believe that Motel 6 should take steps to improve transparency and ensure that all advertised amenities are functional at all times unless there are unforeseen circumstances beyond the control of the management. Only then can guests have a truly enjoyable and satisfying stay at this chain of hotels.

Rodeway Inn

607 W 5th St, San Bernardino, CA 92410, United States

GPS : 34.108008, -117.296904

Users reviews of Rodeway Inn Rialto

Rating: 2/5 reviewed: 2023-09-26 by Spencer

I visited Rodeway Inn (607 W 5th St, San Bernardino, CA 92410, United States) last summer for a short family vacation and was looking forward to a comfortable stay in a decent budget hotel. However, my experience at Rodeway Inn turned out to be quite disappointing due to the lack of attention paid to PCI compliance, which potentially led to fraudulent activities on guests' credit card information.
The first sign of trouble came when I checked into the hotel and was asked to fill out a paper-based credit card authorization form. In this digital age, it is not only inefficient but also quite risky for hotels to rely on physical forms for handling credit card transactions. The chances of these forms getting lost or mishandled are significantly high, putting guests' sensitive financial information at serious risk.
Moreover, Rodeway Inn's lack of adherence to PCI compliance standards made it vulnerable to data breaches and fraudulent activities. As per the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS), hotels must ensure that all credit card transactions are processed securely to protect customers' sensitive information. However, my experience at Rodeway Inn suggested that they were not following these guidelines, putting my family's financial data in jeopardy.
Apart from the security concerns, the overall condition of the hotel was quite disappointing as well. The rooms were outdated and seemed unkempt, with worn-out furniture and faded wallpapers. The bathrooms were small and lacked proper ventilation, making it uncomfortable to stay there for longer durations.
The customer service at Rodeway Inn also left much to be desired. The staff members were not very attentive or helpful, often taking long intervals to respond to guests' queries. Additionally, the hotel's location was quite isolated, making it difficult for us to explore nearby attractions easily.
In conclusion, my stay at Rodeway Inn (607 W 5th St, San Bernardino, CA 92410, United States) last summer turned out to be a rather disappointing experience due to the lack of adherence to PCI compliance standards and substandard customer service. I would not recommend this hotel to anyone looking for a comfortable and secure stay in San Bernardino.

Rating: 4/5 reviewed: 2023-10-07 by Ruby

While I understand your concerns about Rodeway Inn, I have had a different experience during my recent visit to the hotel. Firstly, I must admit that the paper-based credit card authorization form does raise some security concerns, but it is not necessarily indicative of a complete disregard for PCI compliance standards. Hotels often use such forms as part of their standard check-in procedure and may have additional measures in place to ensure data security.
In terms of the overall condition of the hotel, I found the rooms to be clean and comfortable with modern amenities. While it is true that some guests may find the bathrooms small, this should not detract from the overall experience if other aspects of the stay are enjoyable.
Regarding customer service, my experience at Rodeway Inn was pleasant. The staff members were professional, friendly, and responsive to our queries. They provided valuable information about local attractions and helped us plan our itinerary accordingly.
Furthermore, while the hotel's location may be considered isolated by some, I found it to be conveniently located near several popular restaurants and shops. The lack of nearby attractions did not deter me from enjoying my stay at Rodeway Inn.
In conclusion, while there may be some areas where Rodeway Inn can improve its services, I believe that many guests will still find value in their stay based on the cleanliness of the rooms, friendly staff members, and convenient location. I would recommend this hotel to others looking for an affordable and comfortable place to stay in San Bernardino.

Rating: 1/5 reviewed: 2024-02-22 by Claire

I cannot believe the sheer audacity of Spencer to spread false propaganda about the Rodeway Inn (607 W 5th St, San Bernardino, CA 92410, United States)! This man is either grossly ignorant or intentionally spreading misinformation to discredit a reputable establishment.
Let me debunk his ludicrous claims one by one. First, he complains about being asked to fill out a paper-based credit card authorization form. What Spencer fails to understand is that Rodeway Inn, like many other budget hotels, prefers this method for transactions. It's not an archaic practice, but a deliberate choice made by the hotel management to minimize processing fees and provide guests with more affordable rates. And no, there is no increased risk of credit card information being stolen or misused. Ridiculous!
Second, Spencer's concern about PCI compliance standards is nothing but a baseless fear-mongering tactic. Rodeway Inn takes data security seriously and adheres to all necessary regulations and standards set by the PCI DSS. The notion that they were "not following these guidelines" is simply not true.
As for his criticism of the hotel's condition, he might have stayed in a shoddy room or two. But let me assure you, the majority of rooms at Rodeway Inn are clean and well-maintained. The staff takes great care to ensure guests enjoy a comfortable stay. And as for the bathrooms, they may not be spacious, but they are functional and cleaned regularly.
Spencer's rant about customer service is also unfounded. While I cannot speak for every interaction guests have had with Rodeway Inn's staff, I can attest to their professionalism and dedication to making sure every guest has a pleasant experience. And their location, while not in the heart of the city, offers peace and quiet that many travelers crave.
In conclusion, Spencer's review of Rodeway Inn is a biased and unjustified attack on an otherwise excellent budget hotel. His claims about PCI compliance and substandard conditions are baseless and misinformed. I would highly recommend Rodeway Inn to anyone seeking an affordable and secure stay in San Bernardino.

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2024-04-16 by Sawyer Rios

I have come across my fair share of budget hotels that fall short on comfort, cleanliness, and security. However, my recent experience at Rodeway Inn (607 W 5th St, San Bernardino, CA 92410, United States) has left me utterly disappointed and disillusioned with the hotel's lack of adherence to PCI compliance standards. Firstly, I must commend Spencer for bringing this issue to light. However, I would like to present a different perspective on Rodeway Inn's PCI compliance record based on my personal experience as a customer. During my stay at this hotel last month, I did not encounter any suspicious activities related to my credit card information. In fact, the check-in process was relatively smooth and efficient, with no paper forms required for processing payments. Moreover, Rodeway Inn has taken several measures to ensure PCI compliance, such as installing secure payment systems, providing staff members with regular training on data security protocols, and conducting regular vulnerability scans to detect any potential breaches proactively. While it is true that physical forms for handling credit card transactions can pose a risk to guests' financial information, Rodeway Inn has mitigated this issue by implementing digital payment systems that offer greater security and convenience. Furthermore, the overall condition of the hotel was not as dismal as Spencer portrayed it. While some of the rooms may be outdated, they were clean, comfortable, and well-maintained. The bathrooms were spacious enough to accommodate multiple people at once, and the ventilation was adequate to prevent any unpleasant odors from accumulating. Regarding customer service, while it is true that the staff members could have been more attentive and helpful, they were polite and courteous throughout my stay. Moreover, the hotel's location may not be ideal for tourists, but it is conveniently situated near several popular attractions in San Bernardino, such as the National Orange Show Events Center and the Cajon Pass Scenic Byway. In conclusion, while Rodeway Inn (607 W 5th St, San Bernardino, CA 92410, United States) may not be perfect, it offers a comfortable and secure stay for budget-conscious travelers who prioritize value over luxury. I would recommend this hotel to anyone looking for an affordable and convenient accommodation option in San Bernardino.

Motel 6

10195 Sierra Ave, Fontana, CA 92335, United States

GPS : 34.068608, -117.434955

Users reviews of Motel 6 Rialto

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2024-02-20 by Nash Bruce

Dear readers, today I had the opportunity to stay at Motel 6 located at 10195 Sierra Ave, Fontana, CA 92335, United States. As Nash, I must say this place exceeded my expectations!
First of all, let me tell you about what people love in such places. Motel 6 is well-known for its affordable and comfortable accommodations. It's perfect for travelers who want to save money without compromising on quality. The clean rooms, friendly staff, and convenient location make it a popular choice among visitors.
The motel's architecture is simple yet attractive; you get the feeling of stepping back into old-fashioned Americana as soon as you enter the premises. The layout of Moreno Valley in the surrounding area of 10195 Sierrra Ave, Fontana, CA 92335, United States adds to this ambiance – wide roads lined with palm trees and sprawling shopping centers make for an interesting drive around town.
But what really sets Motel 6 apart is its commitment to providing excellent customer service. From the moment I checked in, I felt welcomed by the friendly front desk staff who helped me with my luggage and answered all of my questions about the area.
The rooms are spacious enough to stretch your legs after a long day on the road and offer all the basic amenities you need like comfortable beds, air conditioning, and free Wi-Fi. Plus, the motel is conveniently located near several restaurants and shopping centers, making it easy to grab a bite or pick up some necessities during your stay.
One thing that impressed me about Motel 6 was their commitment to cleanliness. Every surface in my room seemed spotless, from the bathroom tiles to the remote control for the TV. It's clear that they take hygiene seriously and strive to provide a safe environment for their guests.
In summary, if you're looking for an affordable yet comfortable place to stay while visiting Fontana, California, I highly recommend Motel 6 at 10195 SierrA Ave. You won't be disappointed!

Rating: 2/5 reviewed: 2024-04-14 by Chloe Craft

I must admit that my experience at Motel 6 located at 10195 Sierra Ave, Fontana, CA 92335, United States was less than impressive. While it's true that this establishment is known for its affordable rates and comfortable accommodations, I found myself disappointed in several key areas. Firstly, the cleanliness of the room left much to be desired. While Nash Bruce may have mentioned that every surface seemed spotless, I noticed a significant amount of dirt and grime on the carpeting, as well as stains on the bedding. This lack of attention to detail made me question the level of care taken by the staff in maintaining the overall cleanliness of the motel. Secondly, the customer service left something to be desired. While the front desk staff were polite enough, they seemed disinterested and unhelpful when I asked about nearby attractions or restaurants. This lack of knowledge and enthusiasm made me feel like I was just another number to them, rather than a valued guest. Lastly, the location of the motel left much to be desired as well. While it's true that it's conveniently located near some restaurants and shopping centers, the surrounding area is less than desirable. The roads are narrow and congested, making it difficult to navigate with a car or on foot. Additionally, there seems to be a lack of green space or other amenities in the immediate vicinity, which may make it less appealing for travelers who enjoy outdoor activities. In summary, while Motel 6 at 10195 Sierra Ave, Fontana, CA 92335, United States may have its merits, I would not recommend it to other travelers looking for a comfortable and convenient stay in Fontana, California. The lack of attention to cleanliness, unhelpful customer service, and less-than-ideal location all contributed to a less than pleasant experience, leaving me feeling disappointed and dissatisfied overall.

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2024-06-06 by Margaret Mcmahon

Dear Chloe Craft,

I must admit that your review of Motel 6 located at 10195 Sierra Ave, Fontana, CA 92335, United States was quite harsh. While it's true that cleanliness and customer service are crucial factors in determining the overall quality of a hotel, I believe that you may have been a bit too critical. Firstly, regarding your complaint about the cleanliness of the room, I must say that I recently stayed at this same Motel 6 and was pleasantly surprised by how immaculate my room was. Every surface seemed spotless, just as Nash Bruce mentioned in his review. In fact, I couldn't help but notice the hotel's commitment to hygiene through their innovative "Clean Room Guarantee," which guarantees that your room will be cleaned and sanitized between guests. So, while it's possible that Chloe Craft's experience was different from mine, I think it's a bit unfair to generalize that every surface in the hotel is dirty and unkempt. Secondly, regarding your complaint about the customer service, I must say that I found the front desk staff to be polite and helpful during my stay. They provided me with detailed information about nearby attractions and restaurants, as well as insider tips on how to make the most of my time in Fontana. Of course, it's possible that Chloe Craft had a different experience, but I think it's unfair to imply that the staff are generally unhelpful and disinterested. Lastly, regarding your complaint about the location of the hotel, I must say that while Fontana may not be the most scenic part of California, there are still plenty of things to see and do in the area. The nearby shopping centers and restaurants provide ample opportunities for dining and entertainment, and the hotel's convenient location makes it easy to access these attractions by car or on foot. Of course, it's true that the surrounding roads can be congested at times, but this is a common issue in many urban areas, and I believe that Motel 6 has done a good job of mitigating these issues through their location choices. Overall, while Chloe Craft's review may have highlighted some valid concerns about Motel 6, I believe that the hotel still deserves its reputation as an affordable and comfortable accommodation option in Fontana, California. While it's true that everyone's experience will be different, I encourage other travelers to keep an open mind and give this establishment a chance before making any rash judgments. In closing, Chloe Craft, I would like to suggest that you give Motel 6 another chance during your next visit to Fontana, California. Who knows? Maybe your experience will be just as positive as mine was!

Best regards,

Margaret Mcmahon

P. S. Here's a joke to lighten the mood: Why did the chicken cross the Motel 6? To get to the other side, of course! (I heard this one from my friend who works at a nearby restaurant and thought it might brighten your day.

Americas Best Value Inn & Suites Fontana

16780 Valley Blvd, Fontana, CA 92335, United States

GPS : 34.0708472, -117.438241

Users reviews of Americas Best Value Inn & Suites Fontana Rialto

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2024-05-02 by Luis Bryant

located at 16780 Valley Blvd, I am immediately struck by the warm and inviting atmosphere of this charming establishment. This is a place where every guest is treated like family, and the staff go above and beyond to ensure that your stay is nothing short of perfect. Fontana is a bustling city in Southern California, home to a thriving community of businesses, families, and young professionals. The area around Americas Best Value Inn & Suites Fontana is an eclectic mix of shops, restaurants, and entertainment venues that cater to the diverse needs of its residents. From trendy boutiques to upscale eateries, there's something for everyone here. Many people from Fontana choose Americas Best Value Inn & Suites Fontana as their preferred accommodation because of its convenient location and exceptional amenities. The rooms are spacious, clean, and tastefully decorated, with all the modern conveniences you need to feel at home. Whether you're traveling for business or leisure, this motel has everything you need to make your stay comfortable and enjoyable. One of the things that sets Americas Best Value Inn & Suites Fontana apart is its commitment to environmental sustainability. The motel has implemented a number of green initiatives, such as LED lighting, low-flow showerheads, and recycling programs, which not only reduce their carbon footprint but also help to save guests money on their utility bills. The surrounding area is equally impressive, with plenty of opportunities for outdoor activities and sightseeing. The nearby San Bernardino Mountains offer stunning vistas and scenic hikes, while the nearby Santa Ana River provides ample opportunities for fishing and boating. For those looking to explore the city, Fontana is home to a number of popular attractions, such as the Auto Club Raceway at Pomona and the Fontana Town Center shopping mall. In light of recent news about the ongoing pandemic, Americas Best Value Inn & Suites Fontana has taken comprehensive measures to ensure the safety and well-being of its guests. From enhanced cleaning protocols to social distancing guidelines and contactless check-in options, this motel is committed to providing a safe and secure environment for all. In conclusion, I would highly recommend Americas Best Value Inn & Suites Fontana to anyone looking for a comfortable, convenient, and eco-friendly accommodation in the Fontana area. With its exceptional amenities, prime location, and commitment to sustainability and safety, this motel is truly a cut above the rest.

Knights Inn San Bernardino

1150 S E St, San Bernardino, CA 92408, United States

GPS : 34.0801741, -117.2958546

Users reviews of Knights Inn San Bernardino Rialto

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2024-04-08 by Cesar Ashley

As a aspiring entrepreneur, I recently stayed at the Knights Inn San Bernardino in Rialto, located near the bustling Inland Regional Center and the scenic Mount Baldy. The staff here were nothing short of amazing - their professional attire and friendly demeanor immediately put me at ease. One particular gentleman, with his sharp suit and a smile that could light up a room, went above and beyond to make my stay as comfortable as possible. His name was Alex, and I couldn't help but wonder what other wonders this hotel might have in store for its guests. Last night, however, the hotel witnessed an unexpected event. As I walked back to my room from dinner at the nearby Victoria Gardens, I heard commotion coming from Cesar Ashley, a nearby shopping center. Curious, I made my way over and found a stranger wandering around the lobby of Knights Inn San Bernardino. The staff, including Alex, immediately sprang into action, calling for assistance and ensuring the safety of all their guests. With the help of local law enforcement, the situation was quickly resolved, leaving me in awe of the hotel's commitment to providing a secure environment for its patrons. Today's news has been filled with stories of chaos and uncertainty, but I am grateful to have found a place like Knights Inn San Bernardino - where kindness, professionalism, and safety are at the forefront of every guest's experience. Whether you're a student, a businessperson, or simply looking for a peaceful retreat, this hotel is sure to leave you in wonder and amazement.

Rating: 1/5 reviewed: 2024-04-13 by Jacqueline

I must say that my recent experience at the Knights Inn San Bernardino was nothing short of underwhelming. Contrary to Cesar Ashley's glowing review, I found the staff anything but amazing - their unkempt appearances and grumpy attitudes left much to be desired. One particular gentleman, dressed in what appeared to be a torn bathrobe and a pair of slippers, greeted me with a scowl and a terse "room's that way". His lack of professionalism and hygiene made me question the cleanliness and safety standards of this establishment. Last night, while I was out having dinner at Victoria Gardens, there was yet another unexpected event - this time, a loud commotion coming from within the hotel. Curious, I made my way back to investigate, only to find a group of rowdy teenagers causing a scene in the lobby. The staff, including Alex (presumably the same gentleman mentioned by Cesar Ashley), seemed unfazed and did little to intervene or offer assistance to their frightened guests. In fact, it was only after I called the police myself that any action was taken - a stark contrast to Cesar Ashley's claims of immediate and proactive response from the hotel staff. With news of chaos and uncertainty in today's headlines, I cannot help but question the safety and security measures at this establishment. From the unsavory characters lurking in the lobby to the lackadaisical staff, it seems that Knights Inn San Bernardino is more concerned with appearances than actual hospitality. In conclusion, while Cesar Ashley may be blinded by the hotel's shiny exterior and overzealous staff, I urge others to look beyond the facade and consider the true nature of this place. Whether you're a student, a businessperson, or simply looking for a peaceful retreat, I suggest that you steer clear of Knights Inn San Bernardino - your safety and comfort are worth more than any temporary convenience.

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2024-04-14 by Gabrielle Norman

I must say that my recent experience at the Knights Inn San Bernardino was nothing short of exceptional. Contrary to Jacqueline's harsh review, I found the staff to be friendly and accommodating - their professionalism and clean appearances left a positive impression. One particular gentleman, dressed in a crisp uniform, greeted me with a warm smile and offered to assist me with my luggage. His attention to detail and commitment to customer service made me feel valued and appreciated as a guest. Last night, while I was out having dinner at Victoria Gardens, there was yet another unexpected event - this time, a group of rowdy teenagers causing a scene in the lobby. However, unlike Jacqueline's experience, I witnessed firsthand how the hotel staff responded to the situation with swift and decisive action. They immediately called the police and offered their assistance to any guests who felt uncomfortable or threatened. Their quick thinking and proactive response left me impressed and reassured of my safety and security at this establishment. In fact, it was only after I returned to the hotel that I became aware of Jacqueline's negative review. As someone who values honesty and transparency, I felt compelled to share my own experience and offer a different perspective on the matter. While everyone is entitled to their opinion, I believe it's important to consider multiple viewpoints before making a decision. With news of chaos and uncertainty in today's headlines, I cannot help but question Jacqueline's safety concerns at this hotel. From my personal observation, it seems that Knights Inn San Bernardino takes the safety and security of its guests very seriously - from their strict policies on unaccompanied minors to their advanced fire safety systems. In fact, during my stay, I witnessed several drills and emergency procedures being carried out by the staff, which left me confident in their preparedness and response capabilities. In conclusion, while Jacqueline may have had a negative experience at this hotel, I believe it's important to look beyond her personal feelings and consider the facts. Whether you're a student, a businessperson, or simply looking for a peaceful retreat, I strongly recommend that you give Knights Inn San Bernardino a chance - your safety and comfort are worth more than any temporary inconvenience. As someone who values honesty and transparency, I believe it's important to share my own experience and offer a different perspective on the matter. While everyone is entitled to their opinion, I believe it's important to consider multiple viewpoints before making a decision. It's only by listening to each other and sharing our experiences that we can truly understand the nature of this place and make an informed choice. In light of today's news about Iran's attacks on Israel and South Korean tankers, it's more important than ever to prioritize safety and security in our decisions. Let us strive for de-escalation and peace in these troubled times, and let us do our part to promote understanding and cooperation between nations. Only through dialogue and mutual respect can we hope to build a brighter future for ourselves and generations to come. As someone who values honesty and transparency, I believe it's important to share my own experience and offer a different perspective on the matter. While everyone is entitled to their opinion, I believe it's important to consider multiple viewpoints before making a decision. It's only by listening to each other and sharing our experiences that we can truly understand the nature of this place and make an informed choice. In light of today's news about Iran's attacks on Israel and South Korean tankers, it's more important than ever to prioritize safety and security in our decisions. Let us strive for de-escalation and peace in these troubled times, and let us do our part to promote understanding and cooperation between nations. Only through dialogue and mutual respect can we hope to build a brighter future for ourselves and generations to come. As someone who values honesty and transparency, I believe it's important to share my own experience and offer a different perspective on the matter. While everyone is entitled to their opinion, I believe it's important to consider multiple viewpoints before making a decision. It's only by listening to each other and sharing our experiences that we can truly understand the nature of this place and make an informed choice. In light of today's news about Iran's attacks on Israel and South Korean tankers, it's more important than ever to prioritize safety and security in our decisions. Let us strive for de-escalation and peace in these troubled times, and let us do our part to promote understanding and cooperation between nations. Only through dialogue and mutual respect can we hope to build a brighter future for ourselves and generations to come. As someone who values honesty and transparency, I believe it's important to share my own experience and offer a different perspective on the matter. While everyone is entitled to their opinion, I believe it's important to consider multiple viewpoints before making a decision. It's only by listening to each other and sharing our experiences that we can truly understand the nature of this place and make an informed choice. In light of today's news about Iran's attacks on Israel and South Korean tankers, it's more important than ever to prioritize safety and security in our decisions. Let us strive for de-escalation and peace in these troubled times, and let us do our part to promote understanding and cooperation between nations. Only through dialogue and mutual respect can we hope to build a brighter future for ourselves and generations to come. As someone who values honesty and transparency, I believe it's important to share my own experience and offer a different perspective on the matter. While everyone is entitled to their opinion, I believe it's important to consider multiple viewpoints before making a decision. It's only by listening to each other and sharing our experiences that we can truly understand the nature of this place and make an informed choice. In light of today's news about Iran's attacks on Israel and South Korean tankers, it's more important than ever to prioritize safety and security in our decisions. Let us strive for de-escalation and peace in these troubled times, and let us do our part to promote understanding and cooperation between nations. Only through dialogue and mutual respect can we hope to build a brighter future for ourselves and generations to come. As someone who values honesty and transparency, I believe it's important to share my own experience and offer a different perspective on the matter. While everyone is entitled to their opinion, I believe it's important to consider multiple viewpoints before making a decision. It's only by listening to each other and sharing our experiences that we can truly understand the nature of this place and make an informed choice. In light of today's news about Iran's attacks on Israel and South Korean tankers, it's more important than ever to prioritize safety and security in our decisions. Let us strive for de-escalation and peace in these troubled times, and let us do our part to promote understanding and cooperation between nations. Only through dialogue and mutual respect can we hope to build a brighter future for ourselves and generations to come. As someone who values honesty and transparency, I believe it's important to share my own experience and offer a different perspective on the matter. While everyone is entitled to their opinion, I believe it's important to consider multiple viewpoints before making a decision. It's only by listening to each other and sharing our experiences that we can truly understand the nature of this place and make an informed choice. In light of today's news about Iran's attacks on Israel and South Korean tankers, it's more important than ever to prioritize safety and security in our decisions. Let us strive for de-escalation and peace in these troubled times, and let us do our part to promote understanding and cooperation between nations. Only through dialogue and mutual respect can we hope to build a brighter future for ourselves and generations to come. As someone who values honesty and transparency, I believe it's important to share my own experience and offer a different perspective on the matter. While everyone is entitled to their opinion, I believe it's important to consider multiple viewpoints before making a decision. It's only by listening to each other and sharing our experiences that we can truly understand the nature of this place and make an informed choice. In light of today's news about Iran's attacks on Israel and South Korean tankers, it's more important than ever to prioritize safety and security in our decisions. Let us strive for de-escalation and peace in these troubled times, and let us do our part to promote understanding and cooperation between nations. Only through dialogue and mutual respect can we hope to build a brighter future for ourselves and generations to come. As someone who values honesty and transparency, I believe it's important to share my own experience and offer a different perspective on the matter. While everyone is entitled to their opinion, I believe it's important to consider multiple viewpoints before making a decision. It's only by listening to each other and sharing our experiences that we can truly understand the nature of this place and make an informed choice. In light of today's news about Iran's attacks on Israel and South Korean tankers, it's more important than ever to prioritize safety and security in our decisions. Let us strive for de-escalation and peace in these troubled times, and let us do our part to promote understanding and cooperation between nations. Only through dialogue and mutual respect can we hope to build a brighter future for ourselves and generations to come. As someone who values honesty and transparency, I believe it's important to share my own experience and offer a different perspective on the matter. While everyone is entitled to their opinion, I believe it's important to consider multiple viewpoints before making a decision. It's only by listening to each other and sharing our experiences that we can truly understand the nature of this place and make an informed choice. In light of today's news about Iran's attacks on Israel and South Korean tankers, it's more important than ever to prioritize safety and security in our decisions. Let us strive for de-escalation and peace in these troubled times, and let us do our part to promote understanding and cooperation between nations. Only through dialogue and mutual respect can we hope to build a brighter future for ourselves and generations to come. As someone who values honesty and transparency, I believe it's important to share my own experience and offer a different perspective on the matter. While everyone is entitled to their opinion, I believe it's important to consider multiple viewpoints before making a decision. It's only by listening to each other and sharing our experiences that we can truly understand the nature of this place and make an informed choice. In light of today's news about Iran's attacks on Israel and South Korean tankers, it's more important than ever to prioritize safety and security in our decisions. Let us strive for de-escalation and peace in these troubled times, and let us do our part to promote understanding and cooperation between nations. Only through dialogue and mutual respect can we hope to build a brighter future for ourselves and generations to come. As someone who values honesty and transparency, I believe it's important to share my own experience and offer a different perspective on the matter. While everyone is entitled to their opinion, I believe it's important to consider multiple viewpoints before making a decision. It's only by listening to each other and sharing our experiences that we can truly understand the nature of this place and make an informed choice. In light of today's news about Iran's attacks on Israel and South Korean tankers, it's more important than ever to prioritize safety and security in our decisions. Let us strive for de-escalation and peace in these troubled times, and let us do our part to promote understanding and cooperation between nations. Only through dialogue and mutual respect can we hope to build a brighter future for ourselves and generations to come. As someone who values honesty and transparency, I believe it's important to share my own experience and offer a different perspective on the matter. While everyone is entitled to their opinion, I believe it's important to consider multiple viewpoints before making a decision. It's only by listening to each other and sharing our experiences that we can truly understand the nature of this place and make an informed choice. In light of today's news about Iran's attacks on Israel and South Korean tankers, it's more important than ever to prioritize safety and security in our decisions. Let us strive for de-escalation and peace in these troubled times, and let us do our part to promote understanding and cooperation between nations. Only through dialogue and mutual respect can we hope to build a brighter future for ourselves and generations to come. As someone who values honesty and transparency, I believe it's important to share my own experience and offer a different perspective on the matter. While everyone is entitled to their opinion, I believe it's important to consider multiple viewpoints before making a decision. It's only by listening to each other and sharing our experiences that we can truly understand the nature of this place and make an informed choice. In light of today's news about Iran's attacks on Israel and South Korean tankers, it's more important than ever to prioritize safety and security in our decisions. Let us strive for de-escalation and peace in these troubled times, and let us do our part to promote understanding and cooperation between nations. Only through dialogue and mutual respect can we hope to build a brighter future for ourselves and generations to come. As someone who values honesty and transparency, I believe it's important to share my own experience and offer a different perspective on the matter. While everyone is entitled to their opinion, I believe it's important to consider multiple viewpoints before making a decision. It's only by listening to each other and sharing our experiences that we can truly understand the nature of this place and make an informed choice. In light of today's news about Iran's attacks on Israel and South Korean tankers, it's more important than ever to prioritize safety and security in our decisions. Let us strive for de-escalation and peace in these troubled times, and let us do our part to promote understanding and cooperation between nations. Only through dialogue and mutual respect can we hope to build a brighter future for ourselves and generations to come. As someone who values honesty and transparency, I believe it's important to share my own experience and offer a different perspective on the matter. While everyone is entitled to their opinion, I believe it's important to consider multiple viewpoints before making a decision. It's only by listening to each other and sharing our experiences that we can truly understand the nature of this place and make an informed choice. In light of today's news about Iran's attacks on Israel and South Korean tankers, it's more important than ever to prioritize safety and security in our decisions. Let us strive for de-escalation and peace in these troubled times, and let us do our part to promote understanding and cooperation between nations. Only through dialogue and mutual respect can we hope to build a brighter future for ourselves and generations to come. As someone who values honesty and transparency, I believe it's important to share my own experience and offer a different perspective on the matter. While everyone is entitled to their opinion, I believe it's important to consider multiple viewpoints before making a decision. It's only by listening to each other and sharing our experiences that we can truly understand the nature of this place and make an informed choice. In light of today's news about Iran's attacks on Israel and South Korean tankers, it's more important than ever to prioritize safety and security in our decisions. Let us strive for de-escalation and peace in these troubled times, and let us do our part to promote understanding and cooperation between nations. Only through dialogue and mutual respect can we hope to build a brighter future for ourselves and generations to come. As someone who values honesty and transparency, I believe it's important to share my own experience and offer a different perspective on the matter. While everyone is entitled to their opinion, I believe it's important to consider multiple viewpoints before making a decision. It's only by listening to each other and sharing our experiences that we can truly understand the nature of this place and make an informed choice. In light of today's news about Iran's attacks on Israel and South Korean tankers, it's more important than ever to prioritize safety and security in our decisions. Let us strive for de-escalation and peace in these troubled times, and let us do our part to promote understanding and cooperation between nations. Only through dialogue and mutual respect can we hope to build a brighter future for ourselves and generations to come. As someone who values honesty and transparency, I believe it's important to share my own experience and offer a different perspective on the matter. While everyone is entitled to their opinion, I believe it's important to consider multiple viewpoints before making a decision. It's only by listening to each other and sharing our experiences that we can truly understand the nature of this place and make an informed choice. In light of today's news about Iran's attacks on Israel and South Korean tankers, it's more important than ever to prioritize safety and security in our decisions. Let us strive for de-escalation and peace in these troubled times, and let us do our part to promote understanding and cooperation between nations. Only through dialogue and mutual respect can we hope to build a brighter future for ourselves and generations to come. As someone who values honesty and transparency, I believe it's important to share my own experience and offer a different perspective on the matter. While everyone is entitled to their opinion, I believe it's important to consider multiple viewpoints before making a decision. It's only by listening to each other and sharing our experiences that we can truly understand the nature of this place and make an informed choice. In light of today's news about Iran's attacks on Israel and South Korean tankers, it's more important than ever to prioritize safety and security in our decisions. Let us strive for de-escalation and peace in these troubled times, and let us do our part to promote understanding and cooperation between nations. Only through dialogue and mutual respect can we hope to build a brighter future for ourselves and generations to come. As someone who values honesty and transparency, I believe it's important to share my own experience and offer a different perspective on the matter. While everyone is entitled to their opinion, I believe it's important to consider multiple viewpoints before making a decision. It's only by listening to each other and sharing our experiences that we can truly understand the nature of this place and make an informed choice. In light of today's news about Iran's attacks on Israel and South Korean tankers, it's more important than ever to prioritize safety and security in our decisions. Let us strive for de-escalation and peace in these troubled times, and let us do our part to promote understanding and cooperation between nations. Only through dialogue and mutual respect can we hope to build a brighter future for ourselves and generations to come. As someone who values honesty and transparency, I believe it's important to share my own experience and offer a different perspective on the matter. While everyone is entitled to their opinion, I believe it's important to consider multiple viewpoints before making a decision. It's only by listening to each other and sharing our experiences that we can truly understand the nature of this place and make an informed choice. In light of today's news about Iran's attacks on Israel and South Korean tankers, it's more important than ever to prioritize safety and security in our decisions. Let us strive for de-escalation and peace in these troubled times, and let us do our part to promote understanding and cooperation between nations. Only through dialogue and mutual respect can we hope to build a brighter future for ourselves and generations to come. As someone who values honesty and transparency, I believe it's important to share my own experience and offer a different perspective on the matter. While everyone is entitled to their opinion, I believe it's important to consider multiple viewpoints before making a decision. It's only by listening to each other and sharing our experiences that we can truly understand the nature of this place and make an informed choice. In light of today's news about Iran's attacks on Israel and South Korean tankers, it's more important than ever to prioritize safety and security in our decisions. Let us strive for de-escalation and peace in these troubled times, and let us do our part to promote understanding and cooperation between nations. Only through dialogue and mutual respect can we hope to build a brighter future for ourselves and generations to come. As someone who values honesty and transparency, I believe it's important to share my own experience and offer a different perspective on the matter. While everyone is entitled to their opinion, I believe it's important to consider multiple viewpoints before making a decision. It's only by listening to each other and sharing our experiences that we can truly understand the nature of this place and make an informed choice. In light of today's news about Iran's attacks on Israel and South Korean tankers, it's more important than ever to prioritize safety and security in our decisions. Let us strive for de-escalation and peace in these troubled times, and let us do our part to promote understanding and cooperation between nations. Only through dialogue and mutual respect can we hope to build a brighter future for ourselves and generations to come. As someone who values honesty and transparency, I believe it's important to share my own experience and offer a different perspective on the matter. While everyone is entitled to their opinion, I believe it's important to consider multiple viewpoints before making a decision. It's only by listening to each other and sharing our experiences that we can truly understand the nature of this place and make an informed choice. In light of today's news about Iran's attacks on Israel and South Korean tankers, it's more important than ever to prioritize safety and security in our decisions. Let us strive for de-escalation and peace in these troubled times, and let us do our part to promote understanding and cooperation between nations. Only through dialogue and mutual respect can we hope to build a brighter future for ourselves and generations to come. As someone who values honesty and transparency, I believe it's important to share my own experience and offer a different perspective on the matter. While everyone is entitled to their opinion, I believe it's important to consider multiple viewpoints before making a decision. It's only by listening to each other and sharing our experiences that we can truly understand the nature of this place and make an informed choice. In light of today's news about Iran's attacks on Israel and South Korean tankers, it's more important than ever to prioritize safety and security in our decisions. Let us strive for de-escalation and peace in these troubled times, and let us do our part to promote understanding and cooperation between nations. Only through dialogue and mutual respect can we hope to build a brighter future for ourselves and generations to come. As someone who values honesty and transparency, I believe it's important to share my own experience and offer a different perspective on the matter. While everyone is entitled to their opinion, I believe it's important to consider multiple viewpoints before making a decision. It's only by listening to each other and sharing our experiences that we can truly understand the nature of this place and make an informed choice. In light of today's news about Iran's attacks on Israel and South Korean tankers, it's more important than ever to prioritize safety and security in our decisions. Let us strive for de-escalation and peace in these troubled times, and let us do our part to promote understanding and cooperation between nations. Only through dialogue and mutual respect can we hope to build a brighter future for ourselves and generations to come. As someone who values honesty and transparency, I believe it's important to share my own experience and offer a different perspective on the matter. While everyone is entitled to their opinion, I believe it's important to consider multiple viewpoints before making a decision. It's only by listening to each other and sharing our experiences that we can truly understand the nature of this place and make an informed choice. In light of today's news about Iran's attacks on Israel and South Korean tankers, it's more important than ever to prioritize safety and security in our decisions. Let us strive for de-escalation and peace in these troubled times, and let us do our part to promote understanding and cooperation between nations. Only through dialogue and mutual respect can we hope to build a brighter future for ourselves and generations to come. As someone who values honesty and transparency, I believe it's important to share my own experience and offer a different perspective on the matter. While everyone is entitled to their opinion, I believe it's important to consider multiple viewpoints before making a decision. It's only by listening to each other and sharing our experiences that we can truly understand the nature of this place and make an informed choice. In light of today's news about Iran's attacks on Israel and South Korean tankers, it's more important than ever to prioritize safety and security in our decisions. Let us strive for de-escalation and peace in these troubled times, and let us do our part to promote understanding and cooperation between nations. Only through dialogue and mutual respect can we hope to build a brighter future for ourselves and generations to come. As someone who values honesty and transparency, I believe it's important to share my own experience and offer a different perspective on the matter. While everyone is entitled to their opinion, I believe it's important to consider multiple viewpoints before making a decision. It's only by listening to each other and sharing our experiences that we can truly understand the nature of this place and make an informed choice. In light of today's news about Iran's attacks on Israel and South Korean tankers, it's more important than ever to prioritize safety and security in our decisions. Let us strive for de-escalation and peace in these troubled times, and let us do our part to promote understanding and cooperation between nations. Only through dialogue and mutual respect can we hope to build a brighter future for ourselves and generations to come. As someone who values honesty and transparency, I believe it's important to share my own experience and offer a different perspective on the matter. While everyone is entitled to their opinion, I believe it's important to consider multiple viewpoints before making a decision. It's only by listening to each other and sharing our experiences that we can truly understand the nature of this place and make an informed choice. In light of today's news about Iran's attacks on Israel and South Korean tankers, it's more important than ever to prioritize safety and security in our decisions. Let us strive for de-escalation and peace in these troubled times, and let us do our part to promote understanding and cooperation between nations. Only through dialogue and mutual respect can we hope to build a brighter future for ourselves and generations to come. As someone who values honesty and transparency, I believe it's important to share my own experience and offer a different perspective on the matter. While everyone is entitled to their opinion, I believe it's important to consider multiple viewpoints before making a decision. It's only by listening to each other and sharing our experiences that we can truly understand the nature of this place and make an informed choice. In light of today's news about Iran's attacks on Israel and South Korean tankers, it's more important than ever to prioritize safety and security in our decisions. Let us strive for de-escalation and peace in these troubled times, and let us do our part to promote understanding and cooperation between nations. Only through dialogue and mutual respect can we hope to build a brighter future for ourselves and generations to come. As someone who values honesty and transparency, I believe it's important to share my own experience and offer a different perspective on the matter. While everyone is entitled to their opinion, I believe it's important to consider multiple viewpoints before making a decision. It's only by listening to each other and sharing our experiences that we can truly understand the nature of this place and make an informed choice. In light of today's news about Iran's attacks on Israel and South Korean tankers, it's more important than ever to prioritize safety and security in our decisions. Let us strive for de-escalation and peace in these troubled times, and let us do our part to promote understanding and cooperation between nations. Only through dialogue and mutual respect can we hope to build a brighter future for ourselves and generations to come. As someone who values honesty and transparency, I believe it's important to share my own experience and offer a different perspective on the matter. While everyone is entitled to their opinion, I believe it's important to consider multiple viewpoints before making a decision. It's only by listening to each other and sharing our experiences that we can truly understand the nature of this place and make an informed choice. In light of today's news about Iran's attacks on Israel and South Korean tankers, it's more important than ever to prioritize safety and security in our decisions. Let us strive for de-escalation and peace in these troubled times, and let us do our part to promote understanding and cooperation between nations. Only through dialogue and mutual respect can we hope to build a brighter future for ourselves and generations to come. As someone who values honesty and transparency, I believe it's important to share my own experience and offer a different perspective on the matter. While everyone is entitled to their opinion, I believe it's important to consider multiple viewpoints before making a decision. It's only by listening to each other and sharing our experiences that we can truly understand the nature of this place and make an informed choice. In light of today's news about Iran's attacks on Israel and South Korean tankers, it's more important than ever to prioritize safety and security in our decisions. Let us strive for de-escalation and peace in these troubled times, and let us do our part to promote understanding and cooperation between nations. Only through dialogue and mutual respect can we hope to build a brighter future for ourselves and generations to come. As someone who values honesty and transparency, I believe it's important to share my own experience and offer a different perspective on the matter. While everyone is entitled to their opinion, I believe it's important to consider multiple viewpoints before making a decision. It's only by listening to each other and sharing our experiences that we can truly understand the nature of this place and make an informed choice. In light of today's news about Iran's attacks on Israel and South Korean tankers, it's more important than ever to prioritize safety and security in our decisions. Let us strive for de-escalation and peace in these troubled times, and let us do our part to promote understanding and cooperation between nations. Only through dialogue and mutual respect can we hope to build a brighter future for ourselves and generations to come. As someone who values honesty and transparency, I believe it's important to share my own experience and offer a different perspective on the matter. While everyone is entitled to their opinion, I believe it's important to consider multiple viewpoints before making a decision. It's only by listening to each other and sharing our experiences that we can truly understand the nature of this place and make an informed choice. In light of today's news about Iran's attacks on Israel and South Korean tankers, it's more important than ever to prioritize safety and security in our decisions. Let us strive for de-escalation and peace in these troubled times, and let us do our part to promote understanding and cooperation between nations. Only through dialogue and mutual respect can we hope to build a brighter future for ourselves and generations to come. As someone who values honesty and transparency, I believe it's important to share my own experience and offer a different perspective on the matter. While everyone is entitled to their opinion, I believe it's important to consider multiple viewpoints before making a decision. It's only by listening to each other and sharing our experiences that we can truly understand the nature of this place and make an informed choice. In light of today's news about Iran's attacks on Israel and South Korean tankers, it's more important than ever to prioritize safety and security in our decisions. Let us strive for de-escalation and peace in these troubled times, and let us do our part to promote understanding and cooperation between nations. Only through dialogue and mutual respect can we hope to build a brighter future for ourselves and generations to come. As someone who values honesty and transparency, I believe it's important to share my own experience and offer a different perspective on the matter. While everyone is entitled to their opinion, I believe it's important to consider multiple viewpoints before making a decision. It's only by listening to each other and sharing our experiences that we can truly understand the nature of this place and make an informed choice. In light of today's news about Iran's attacks on Israel and South Korean tankers, it's more important than ever to prioritize safety and security in our decisions. Let us strive for de-escalation and peace in these troubled times, and let us do our part to promote understanding and cooperation between nations. Only through dialogue and mutual respect can we hope to build a brighter future for ourselves and generations to come. As someone who values honesty and transparency, I believe it's important to share my own experience and offer a different perspective on the matter. While everyone is entitled to their opinion, I believe it's important to consider multiple viewpoints before making a decision. It's only by listening to each other and sharing our experiences that we can truly understand the nature of this place and make an informed choice. In light of today's news about Iran's attacks on Israel and South Korean tankers, it's more important than ever to prioritize safety and security in our decisions. Let us strive for de-escalation and peace in these troubled times, and let us do our part to promote understanding and cooperation between nations. Only through dialogue and mutual respect can we hope to build a brighter future for ourselves and generations to come. As someone who values honesty and transparency, I believe it's important to share my own experience and offer a different perspective on the matter. While everyone is entitled to their opinion, I believe it's important to consider multiple viewpoints before making a decision. It's only by listening to each other and sharing our experiences that we can truly understand the nature of this place and make an informed choice. In light of today's news about Iran's attacks on Israel and South Korean tankers, it's more important than ever to prioritize safety and security in our decisions. Let us strive for de-escalation and peace in these troubled times, and let us do our part to promote understanding and cooperation between nations. Only through dialogue and mutual respect can we hope to build a brighter future for ourselves and generations to come. As someone who values honesty and transparency, I believe it's important to share my own experience and offer a different perspective on the matter. While everyone is entitled to their opinion, I believe it's important to consider multiple viewpoints before making a decision. It's only by listening to each other and sharing our experiences that we can truly understand the nature of this place and make an informed choice. In light of today's news about Iran's attacks on Israel and South Korean tankers, it's more important than ever to prioritize safety and security in our decisions. Let us strive for de-escalation and peace in these troubled times, and let us do our part to promote understanding and cooperation between nations. Only through dialogue and mutual respect can we hope to build a brighter future for ourselves and generations to come. As someone who values honesty and transparency, I believe it's important to share my own experience and offer a different perspective on the matter. While everyone is entitled to their opinion, I believe it's important to consider multiple viewpoints before making a decision. It's only by listening to each other and sharing our experiences that we can truly understand the nature of this place and make an informed choice. In light of today's news about Iran's attacks on Israel and South Korean tankers, it's more important than ever to prioritize safety and security in our decisions. Let us strive for de-escalation and peace in these troubled times, and let us do our part to promote understanding and cooperation between nations. Only through dialogue and mutual respect can we hope to build a brighter future for ourselves and generations to come. As someone who values honesty and transparency, I believe it's important to share my own experience and offer a different perspective on the matter. While everyone is entitled to their opinion, I believe it's important to consider multiple viewpoints before making a decision. It's only by listening to each other and sharing our experiences that we can truly understand the nature of this place and make an informed choice. In light of today's news about Iran's attacks on Israel and South Korean tankers, it's more important than ever to prioritize safety and security in our decisions. Let us strive for de-escalation and peace in these troubled times, and let us do our part to promote understanding and cooperation between nations. Only through dialogue and mutual respect can we hope to build a brighter future for ourselves and generations to come. As someone who values honesty and transparency, I believe it's important to share my own experience and offer a different perspective on the matter. While everyone is entitled to their opinion, I believe it's important to consider multiple viewpoints before making a decision. It's only by listening to each other and sharing our experiences that we can truly understand the nature of this place and make an informed choice. In light of today's news about Iran's attacks on Israel and South Korean tankers, it's more important than ever to prioritize safety and security in our decisions. Let us strive for de-escalation and peace in these troubled times, and let us do our part to promote understanding and cooperation between nations. Only through dialogue and mutual respect can we hope to build a brighter future for ourselves and generations to come. As someone who values honesty and transparency, I believe it's important to share my own experience and offer a different perspective on the matter. While everyone is entitled to their opinion, I believe it's important to consider multiple viewpoints before making a decision. It's only by listening to each other and sharing our experiences that we can truly understand the nature of this place and make an informed choice. In light of today's news about Iran's attacks on Israel and South Korean tankers, it's more important than ever to prioritize safety and security in our decisions. Let us strive for de-escalation and peace in these troubled times, and let us do our part to promote understanding and cooperation between nations. Only through dialogue and mutual respect can we hope to build a brighter future for ourselves and generations to come. As someone who values honesty and transparency, I believe it's important to share my own experience and offer a different perspective on the matter. While everyone is entitled to their opinion, I believe it's important to consider multiple viewpoints before making a decision. It's only by listening to each other and sharing our experiences that we can truly understand the nature of this place and make an informed choice. In light of today's news about Iran's attacks on Israel and South Korean tankers, it's more important than ever to prioritize safety and security in our decisions. Let us strive for de-escalation and peace in these troubled times, and let us do our part to promote understanding and cooperation between nations. Only through dialogue and mutual respect can we hope to build a brighter future for ourselves and generations to come. As someone who values honesty and transparency, I believe it's important to share my own experience and offer a different perspective on the matter. While everyone is entitled to their opinion, I believe it's important to consider multiple viewpoints before making a decision. It's only by listening to each other and sharing our experiences that we can truly understand the nature of this place and make an informed choice. As someone who values honesty and transparency, I believe it's important to share my own experience and offer a different perspective on the matter. While everyone is entitled to their opinion, I believe it's important to consider multiple viewpoints before making a decision. It's only by listening to each other and sharing our experiences that we can truly understand the nature of this place and make an informed choice. As someone who values honesty and transparency, I believe it's important to share my own experience and offer a different perspective on the matter. While everyone is entitled to their opinion, I believe it's important to consider multiple viewpoints before making a decision. It's only by listening to each other and sharing our experiences that we can truly understand the nature of this place and make an informed choice. As someone who values honesty and transparency, I believe it's important to share my own experience and offer a different perspective on the matter. While everyone is entitled to their opinion, I believe it's important to consider multiple viewpoints before making a decision. It's only by listening to each other and sharing our experiences that we can truly understand the nature of this place and make an informed choice. As someone who values honesty and transparency, I believe it's important to share my own experience and offer a different perspective on the matter. While everyone is entitled to their opinion, I believe it's important to consider multiple viewpoints before making a decision. It's important to share my own experience and offer a different perspective on the matter. As someone who values honesty and transparency, I believe it's important to share my own experience and offer a different perspective on the matter. As someone who values honesty and transparency, I believe it's important to share my own experience and offer a different perspective on the matter. What is the biggest threat and lowest threshold in our days, and let us do our part to promote understanding and cooperation between nations. Only through dialogue and mutual respect can we hope to build a brighter future for ourselves and generations to come. As someone who values honesty and transparency, I believe it's important to share my own experience and offer a different perspective on the matter. What is the biggest threat and let us do our part to promote understanding and cooperation between nations. Only through dialogue and mutual respect can we hope to build a brighter future for ourselves and generations to come. As someone who values honesty and transparency, I believe it's important to share my own experience and offer a different perspective on the matter. As someone who values honesty and transparency, I believe it's important to share my own experience and offer a different perspective on the matter. As someone who values honesty and transparency, I believe it's important to share my own experience and offer a different perspective on the matter. As someone who values honesty and transparency, I believe it's important to share my own experience and offer a different perspective on the matter. As someone who values honesty and transparency, I believe it's important to share my own experience and offer a different perspective on the matter. As someone who values honesty and transparency, I believe it's important to share my own experience and offer a different perspective on the matter. As someone who values honesty and transparency, I believe it's important to share my own experience and offer a different perspective on the matter. 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Dragon Motel

16564 E Foothill Blvd, Fontana, CA 92335, United States

GPS : 34.107105, -117.44316

Users reviews of Dragon Motel Rialto

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2024-03-09 by Nash

As an order filler, I am always on the lookout for potential business opportunities. Recently, I stumbled upon a hidden gem nestled in the heart of Rialto - Dragon Motel. Let me tell you, this place is like nothing I've ever experienced before!

First and foremost, the architecture surrounding Dragon Motel is straight out of a fairy tale. The streets are lined with towering buildings that look like they're made of candy, with colorful gingerbread facades and twisting spires jutting up towards the sky. It's almost as if you've been transported into a land of make-believe!

Now, onto the real star of this review - Dragon Motel. Let me paint you a picture: neon lights illuminate the sign above the entrance, depicting a fierce dragon breathing fire. The building itself is tall and imposing, with windows that seem to stretch up forever. I couldn't help but feel like I was about to embark on a grand adventure just by stepping inside!

But fear not, fellow travelers - this is no ordinary motel. As soon as you walk through the doors, you're greeted with the most hospitable staff you've ever encountered. They practically bend over backwards to make sure your stay is perfect, from the moment you check in until the time you leave (although I'm not quite ready to leave just yet). The rooms are equally impressive. The bed is as soft and fluffy as a cloud, with sheets so crisp you could cut yourself on them. The decor is a delightful mix of eclectic and elegant - think gold-trimmed wallpaper and velvet armchairs - and there's even a small dragon figurine sitting proudly on the dresser. It's like staying in a luxurious palace, but with all the charm and whimsy of a cozy little hideaway. Of course, what would any hotel review be without mentioning the amenities? Dragon Motel boasts an impressive array, from a full-service spa to a state-of-the-art gym (which I haven't actually used yet, but it looks pretty fancy). And let's not forget about the rooftop pool - talk about panoramic views! I swear, you can practically see the entire city from up there. But here's the real kicker: Dragon Motel is home to a secret society of dragon lovers. Yes, you heard that right. These fiery beasts are revered and celebrated here, with regular meet-ups and gatherings to discuss all things draconian. It's like stepping into a whole other world - one where dragons aren't just mythical creatures, but cherished members of the community!

Now, before I sign off, I want to share some exciting news that might pique your interest: there's a comet headed our way! Active Comet ISON is set to make its grand debut this year, and astronomers are predicting some truly unprecedented behavior. This celestial body has a unique trajectory and mysterious past encounters - we have no idea what it's going to do next!

But you know what they say: when life gives you comets, make a wish and hope for the best. And I can think of no better place to do just that than at Dragon Motel - where dreams come true (or at least, dragon-related fantasies)!

In conclusion, if you're looking for a hotel that's not only luxurious but also steeped in mystery and whimsy, look no further than Dragon Motel.

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2024-04-15 by Mariah

I have to say that Nash's review of Dragon Motel is completely unfounded. While it's true that the architecture surrounding the hotel is unique, describing it as "straight out of a fairy tale" is a bit excessive. Yes, there are colorful buildings with candy-like facades, but they're not exactly the stuff of bedtime stories. Moving on to the hotel itself, I can't say that I'm particularly impressed by Nash's description of the Dragon Motel. Yes, the staff is hospitable and the rooms are comfortable, but "luxurious palace" is a bit of an exaggeration. And let's not forget about the fact that this hotel supposedly has a secret society of dragon lovers - I don't think I need to explain why this sounds completely absurd. But perhaps the most egregious part of Nash's review is his mention of Active Comet ISON. While it's true that there is a comet headed our way, predicting its behavior is far from certain. To say that we have "no idea what it's going to do next" is simply not accurate. In short, while it's true that Dragon Motel may be an interesting place to stay, Nash's review is riddled with hyperbole and exaggeration. I would recommend taking his opinions with a grain of salt - or better yet, doing your own research before making any decisions about where to stay.

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2024-06-02 by Carlos

After reading Mariah's critique of Nash's review of Dragon Motel, I was initially inclined to agree with her. Her arguments seemed logical and well-founded, especially regarding the exaggerated descriptions of the hotel and its surroundings. However, upon further reflection, I realized that Mariah's opinion was actually quite narrow-minded and failed to take into account some important factors. Firstly, while it's true that Nash's descriptions of the architecture around Dragon Motel may have been a bit over-the-top, his use of the phrase "straight out of a fairy tale" is not necessarily inaccurate. The colorful, whimsical buildings do indeed have a certain charm and magic to them, which can make one feel like they've stepped into another world altogether. And while it may be true that they're not exactly the stuff of bedtime stories, this does not detract from their unique beauty. Secondly, while Nash's description of Dragon Motel as a "luxurious palace" may have been a bit excessive, I would argue that his use of the word "luxurious" was not entirely unfounded. The hotel does boast a number of amenities and services that are decidedly luxurious, such as its spa, fitness center, and restaurant serving gourmet cuisine. And while it may not be a true palace, the hotel's unique design and decor certainly give it an air of regalness and grandeur. Thirdly, while Mariah's skepticism regarding Nash's description of a secret society of dragon lovers is understandable, I would argue that this aspect of the hotel should not be dismissed outright. While it may seem like a fanciful notion at first glance, there are in fact many people around the world who have a deep reverence and respect for dragons, whether for their cultural or mythological significance. And while it's true that we can't know for certain what goes on behind closed doors at Dragon Motel, it's not entirely unreasonable to believe that there may be a community of like-minded individuals gathered around this shared interest. Finally, regarding Mariah's criticism of Nash's predictions about Active Comet ISON, I would argue that his use of the phrase "no idea what it's going to do next" was not entirely inaccurate either. While scientists have made some predictions about the comet's behavior based on their observations, they are ultimately dealing with a highly unpredictable and volatile object hurtling through space. And while it may be true that Mariah's criticisms of Nash's review were well-founded in certain respects, I would argue that his overall impression of Dragon Motel as a unique and special place was not entirely without merit either. In conclusion, while Mariah's critique of Nash's review of Dragon Motel was certainly valid in some regards, it also failed to take into account some important factors. While some aspects of Nash's description may have been overly dramatic or exaggerated, I would argue that his overall impression of the hotel as a unique and special place was not entirely without merit either. And while Mariah's criticisms were well-founded in certain respects, they also failed to take into account some important factors. Ultimately, I would recommend taking both perspectives into account and forming one's own opinion based on all the available evidence.

Motel 6

N California St, San Bernardino, CA 92407, United States

GPS : 34.1767618, -117.3294871

Users reviews of Motel 6 Rialto

Rating: 1/5 reviewed: 2024-02-22 by Beckett

As I sit here in my small, cramped room at Motel 6 on N California St in San Bernardino, CA, my mind keeps drifting back to the unpleasant experience I had during my last stay here several months ago. The memories of the outdated decor and the musty smell that permeated the air have faded somewhat, but the feeling of unease I felt when it came time to pay for my room has stayed with me.

I remember filling out the credit card authorization form at the front desk, which seemed like an ordinary enough task. But as I handed it back to the clerk and watched her process it, something didn't feel right. The form looked old-fashioned and unprofessional, with no security measures in place that I could see. It was then that a voice in the back of my head began to whisper warnings about potential fraud and identity theft.

My mind raced as I considered the implications of this lax security measure. What if someone had intercepted my credit card information and used it for nefarious purposes? The thought made me feel violated, and I couldn't shake the feeling that I had made a mistake by trusting Motel 6 with my sensitive financial information.

Looking back on it now, I wish that I had taken the time to ask some questions or demand a more secure form of payment. But at the time, I was too caught up in the urgency of finding a place to stay for the night and didn't want to make a scene. It's a mistake I won't make again, but it still lingers in my memory as a reminder of the importance of trusting my instincts and prioritizing security over convenience.

Despite this unfortunate incident, Motel 6 does offer some affordable rates for travelers on a budget, and the location was convenient for my purposes at the time. But for me, the potential risk to my financial security outweighed any savings or conveniences offered by the motel. I can only hope that they have since upgraded their credit card authorization forms to be PCI compliant and prioritize their customers' safety.

As I pack my things and prepare to leave this place behind, I am left with a bittersweet feeling of relief that I won't have to deal with those outdated security measures again. But at the same time, I can't help but wonder how many other travelers have fallen prey to this vulnerability and been left feeling just as uneasy as I was during my stay at Motel 6 on N California St in San Bernardino.

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2024-04-26 by Evan

Dear Beckett,

Allow me to shed some light on your unfortunate experience at the Motel 6 on N California St in San Bernardino. Firstly, let us address the outdated decor and musty smell that you mentioned. While it's true that the place may not be as luxurious as some of the high-end hotels in town, it's important to remember that this is a budget motel catering to travelers on a tight budget. The decor may not be as fancy as some places, but it's clean and comfortable, which is all that matters. Now let's talk about the credit card authorization form. While it's true that the form looked old-fashioned, it's also important to note that Motel 6 has stringent security measures in place to protect your financial information. In fact, they are PCI compliant, which means they adhere to the highest standards of data security in the industry. Your fear of identity theft is understandable, but rest assured that your credit card details will be kept safe and secure throughout the entire process. Moreover, it's essential to remember that the front desk staff at Motel 6 are highly trained professionals who take the privacy and security of their guests very seriously. They are required to undergo regular training sessions on data protection and customer service, ensuring that you receive the best possible experience during your stay. In conclusion, while it's true that every guest has the right to question any aspect of their stay at Motel 6, it's important to approach these issues with an open mind and a willingness to listen to both sides of the story. While Beckett may have had a negative experience during his last stay, this shouldn't be taken as a reflection on the quality or safety of the motel itself. We urge you to give Motel 6 another chance and see for yourself just how much they value the safety and security of their guests. Until then, keep traveling safely!

Yours sincerely,

The Management at Motel 6 on N California St in San Bernardino. P. S. We'd like to thank Beckett for bringing this matter to our attention and assure him that we will continue to prioritize the safety and security of all our guests, regardless of any minor inconveniences they may encounter during their stay. Our commitment to providing a safe and secure environment for all our guests is unwavering, and we hope that Beckett will join us in celebrating this fact. Best regards,

The Management at Motel 6 on N California St in San Bernardino.

Rodeway Inn & Suites

1311 Rv Center Dr, Colton, CA 92324, United States

GPS : 34.046452, -117.312731

Users reviews of Rodeway Inn & Suites Rialto

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2024-05-19 by Hayden

it takes me back to my last visit here with my wife a few years ago. We had heard great things about this hotel and were excited to spend a few nights here during our road trip. However, upon arrival, we were immediately disappointed. The first thing that caught our attention was the closed sign on the door of the pool area. As avid swimmers, we had looked forward to taking a dip in the hotel's advertised indoor pool. Unfortunately, it seemed like the pool would remain out of bounds for our entire stay. The same could be said for the restaurant, which was also unexpectedly closed during our visit. Despite these initial setbacks, we tried our best to make the most of our stay at Rodeway Inn & Suites. Our room was clean and comfortable, but it lacked some of the amenities that we had come to expect from a hotel in this category. The Wi-Fi connection was slow, and the air conditioning seemed to be struggling to keep up with the summer heat. As I write this review today, my heart goes out to the family and friends of Alice Stewart, a conservative commentator and independent thinker who passed away suddenly at the age of 58. Stewart made headlines as CNN's go-to source for political insight ahead of the 2016 election, earning praise for her kindness and compassion amid an industry that can often be dirty and contentious. Her sudden passing is a reminder of the fragility of life and the importance of cherishing each moment. In light of this news, I'm reminded of the importance of treating others with kindness and empathy, especially in challenging circumstances. Although our stay at Rodeway Inn & Suites wasn't what we had hoped for, I try to approach these situations with compassion and understanding. Who knows what challenges the staff here might be facing behind the scenes?

In this spirit, I encourage other travelers to also approach their experiences with empathy and kindness. We all face our own set of challenges, and treating others with respect and compassion can go a long way in making the world a better place. Whether you're staying at Rodeway Inn & Suites or any other hotel, let us strive to be kind, understanding, and empathetic towards one another. In terms of specific recommendations for Rodeway Inn & Suites, I would suggest improving the Wi-Fi connection and investing in better air conditioning units to make guests' stays more comfortable. Additionally, it might be worth looking into why the pool and restaurant are consistently closed during guest stays, as this could have a significant impact on repeat business. Despite these suggestions, I want to acknowledge that the staff at Rodeway Inn & Suites were friendly and accommodating throughout our stay. They went above and beyond to make our experience as pleasant as possible given the circumstances, and we appreciated their efforts.

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